Friday, January 24, 2020
A Gradual Decline in Prejudice between Places and People in North and S
A Gradual Decline in Prejudice between Places and People in North and South Through her characterizations of the two main characters in Margaret Hale and John Thornton, Elizabeth Gaskell develops a transition from prejudice to love. She reveals their inner most thoughts through an omniscient third person narrative to allow the audience to empathise with their feelings. The Characters develop through dialogue because they dispute over the North and South divide and try to distance themselves from each other. But despite their prejudices love prevails because of the actions of good will shown by Margaret, which John interprets to be feelings of love. The audience is satisfied that they have found a general cause which is sufficient to counteract the forms of prejudice depicted in the novel, and that cause is love. The fundamental theme of prejudice in the story is location. Gaskell contrasts the North and South almost as if they were two entirely different countries. Helstone is a sunny place, and the days are lazy and care free for Margaret. As they approach Milton ...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Baroque study guide
Baroque Dates: (1600-1750) 1 . What does â€Å"musical style†mean? Different types of musical compositions developed throughout different eras 2. What was going historically during this era? What was life like? New ideas and art was being introduced everywhere. It was a time of personal expression and drama. There was controversy between Catholics and Protestants which caused long periods of religious war. It was also a time of scientific research and astronomical studies. 3. Was did the term Baroque originally mean? Odd, irregular,rough, or uneven 4. Why did early baroque composers favor homophony?It was a new concept in texture, a melody in one voice supported by a harmony in the others 5. What texture did late baroque composers prefer? Homophony 6. The musical style of the Baroque era began in what country and then spread throughout Europe? Italy 7. Church modes gradually gave way to what? The major and minor scales 8. Did instrumental music become Just as important as voc al music? Yes 9. What are some characteristic traits of baroque rhythms? Fast harmonic, often continuous, made up of repeating patterns 10. What are some characteristic traits of baroque melodies? Often are elaborated and ornamental.They give the impression of dynamic expansion. A characteristic often found in baroque melodies is a short opening phrase followed by a longer phrase with an unbroken flow of rapid notes. 11. What are the dynamics like in Baroque music? Abrupt shifts from loud to soft achieved by adding or subtracting instruments. 12. Were chords becoming more important? Yes 13. What voices or parts become more important? The outermost voices (bass and soprano) acquired a dominant position. 14. What is the basso continuo? What instruments play it? A strong, supporting, continuous bass line played by a cello, bassoon, or string bass 15.What was a baroque orchestra like? Basically string ensembles with a few wind instruments 16. What family of instruments were the most imp ortant? The violin family 17. What is a movement? Did baroque compositions often consist of multiple movements? A movement is a semi-independent section within a work, in baroque compositions there were many enlivenment works 18. What is the primary or most important way that the movements might contrast one another? They should contrast in tempo, key, material, texture, and timbre, but cost importantly, only one mood should be expressed 19.What is opera? What does it include? Where was it invented? The opera is a musical drama that tells a story and is sung throughout. It began in Greece. 20. What is the libretto? The texts that early operas were composed to. 21. What is an aria? A song-like vocal piece, more concerned with music than with text, and accompanied by an orchestra. They often have soaring melodies, metered rhythm, and formal design 22. What is a recitative? It is a style of delivery much used in operas in which a singer is allowed to adopt the withy's of ordinary speec h.It does not repeat lines as formally composed songs do. It resembles sung ordinary speech more than a formal musical composition. 23. What is a dad capo aria? A form with an ABA design. The first and second sections contrasting in mood, melodic material, and key, are presented; then the singer repeats the first section adding vocal embellishments 24. What is the ground bass aria? Composing a piece over a bass station. The bass pattern recurs throughout the piece, supporting the melody and harmonies above it 25. What is the first significant opera? Monteverdi L'Oreal 6. What is an oratorio?A vocal dramatic work conceived for entertainment based on a religious subject often with a story derived from the Old Testament 27. What is a passion? A passion is a special oratorio telling the story of Chrism's crucifixion. Includes recitatives, arias and choruses 28. What is a chorale? A Lutheran congregational hymn tune 29. What is a church cantata? A enlivenment vocal dramatic work often ac companied by an organ and a small orchestra 30. What is a sonata? What are the different types? A enlivenment form for one or more solo instruments accompanied by a basso intuition.The different types were Sonata dad camera (concert performance) and Sonata dad cheese (church performance) 31 . What is a fugue? A polyphonic composition with two to six melodic lines or voices 32. What is a prelude? A brief keyboard piece that may be either an independent composition or the introduction to another piece or set of pieces 33. What is a suite? (often called a Baroque or dance suite) A enlivenment piece composed for the lute or keyboard with the style, tempo, and rhythmic patterns of a particular dance 34. What is a confusion? Any of several forms usually of Italian origin.It refers to orchestral introductions to operas and cantatas. 35. What is the concerto gross? A solo concerto? How many movements does it have? A concerto gross is small group of solo instruments that accompany a string o rchestra. A solo concerto is instead only one instrument. They both generally have three movements 36. What is the arteriole form and how does it work? A retooling is the form that typically begins a movement. Retooling form focuses on a contrast between two musical ideas. The idea presented in the retooling will be revisited many times again in the song. 37.What is a toccata? Form for lute or keyboard exploiting technicality and brilliance. It has a flexible rhythm and elaborate embellishment of the melody lines. 38. What are terraced dynamics? Moving hands from one keyboard to another, abruptly, causing changes in dynamic level Composers: Please include the following for each (l need to be able to tell that you read about them and did not Just Google them or use Wakefield, etc. And copied and pasted-read your textbook please) a. Dates b. Nationality c. Importance/major contribution d. Types of compositions e. Extra little tidbit 39.Claudio Monteverdi 1567-1643) Was an Italian comp oser who referred to the two styles of compositions as the â€Å"first†(Polyphonic texture, music dominates text, Church music) and â€Å"second†(Homophobic texture, text dominates music, Secular songs) practices of music. He wrote his madrigals in the new expressive style (second practice) observing specific tonal principles. His opera L'Oreal was considered the first great opera. He also served as the choirmaster for SST. Marks in Venice for thirty years 40. Henry Purcell (1659-1695) An English composer known for his mastery of composing over a ground.He composed moving arias and operas. He was also an organist and wrote chorale music, keyboard works, and instrumental music. 41. Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) He was an Italian Baroque composer, teacher, and priest. He traveled all over Europe as a guest conductor of opera and orchestral performances. He wrote choral and orchestral compositions along with operas. His most famous composition is his set of four violin con certos, The four seasons. 42. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Bach was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist. Bach's compositions were mainly performed for the church.He produced a read amount of choral music and two large oratorios called Passions. He wrote mainly for practical purposes such as to teach or to compose music for the church. He also composed a beautiful Mass which contained some the most well known music ever written. 43. G. F. Handel (1685-1759) Was a German composer known for his successful operas and later for his oratorios. His works had much dramatic flair. He is best recognized for his oratorio, Messiah which included the well known â€Å"Hallelujah†chorus. He considered this work to be divinely inspired and composed it in only about three weeks.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Essay Graffiti Art or Vandalism - 1139 Words
Art: the ultimate form of self expression. But, what constitutes an art? And, who decides? These very questions plague society as it tries to decide and define the official status of graffiti--art or vandalism? Because it has found its way into art galleries and because of the community of artists who challenge and inspire each other, graffiti should be considered art and as a way to express oneself. The origin and history of graffiti is not what one might expect. Believed to have been created by a Philadelphia high school student named Cornbread in 1967, it was a bold effort to catch the attention of a girl (De Melker). In this same time period, graffiti sprung up in New York as well. It was â€Å"one among many forms of social protest†during†¦show more content†¦Many cities view graffiti as dirty and worthless; for example, the city of San Antonio has arranged an anti-graffiti campaign in which the city boldly states â€Å"graffiti is ugly†(â€Å"Graffiti†). This attitude towards graffiti and the obsession with ridding cities of graffiti sparked the ever-present negative outlook on the craft, spoiling its artistic value. This negative shadow on the art form of graffiti has caused the decline of the graffiti movement. As many have predicted, â€Å"graffiti may eventually disappear†(â€Å"The Writings on the Wall; Graffiti†). Graffiti has already begun to dwindle from what was once a flourishing art movement, to an almost disesteemed hobby. However, a soiled reputation is not the only culprit in the murder of authentic graffiti. The occupation of the current generation with technology and social media has caused many artists to focus solely on selling their work and gaining attention through social networking platforms. Another, perhaps more common, reason for the decline is the improvement of police work and punishments for those indulging in the illegal form of graffiti (â€Å"The Writings on the Wall; Graffiti†). Because of this decline in authentic and prohibited graffiti, artists have channeled their work into new forms and established their own artistic community. As graffit i recently transitioned to a more respectable art form, it developed a more respectable name: street art.Show MoreRelatedIs Graffiti Art Or Vandalism? Essay1832 Words  | 8 PagesStorm Shepherd Professor Beerline Com 1110 Date Is Graffiti Art or Vandalism? Graffiti has put a major impact on the way people look at their everyday life. It was not used so much here in the United States but was used overseas. Overseas, graffiti, or street art, was used or played as a sport, just like baseball is Americas sport. There are different laws that are put over there than what there are here. They can get away with some of the things that they paint or make over there. If we tried someRead MoreGraffiti Is Art Not Vandalism996 Words  | 4 Pages Graffiti Is Art Not Vandalism Graffiti can be found everywhere and anywhere. It is a way for people to express themselves and be creative in a public manner. It shows how passionate and talented they can be when it comes to drawing or tagging and have it displayed as a piece of art for everyone to see. Graffiti goes way back to the ancient times and is now very well known in the modern days which makes more and more people interested and fascinated by them. It can be used in different typesRead MoreGraffiti Is Vandalism Or Art?1035 Words  | 5 Pagesinternet and in a dictionary for the definition of art but in all reality, art is defined as something you see as art. To me, anything can be art. From building a sculpture or building, to even being an athlete. Being an athlete can be art because the person performs in his own way that is created by them. They have to create a form and a style to compete at the best of their abilities. There are many different types of art but when someone hears art, the first t hing that comes to mind is a paintingRead MoreGraffiti: Art or Vandalism?2306 Words  | 10 PagesWhat do people think of when they see graffiti? Is it art, vandalism, or could it be both. Graffiti is a relatively new and developing art form that presents a lot of controversy due to its involvement of illegality. A lot of people see graffiti and instantly label it as vandalism and not an art form; however, by legal definition that’s not always the case. According to Oxford Dictionaries, art is defined as â€Å"The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination†¦producing works toRead MoreGraffiti: Vandalism or Art623 Words  | 2 PagesIn this discursive essay i will be showing the points for and against graffiti and whether it is considered vandalism or art. Some of the major points around this is does it matter where the graffiti is drawn or who by or is it as simple as its on a public building and no matter how artistic it looks its vandalism . Points for Graffiti being and art. There and many views on whether graffiti should be considers art. Graffiti can be acceptable in the modern day with over eighty percent of teenagersRead MoreGraffiti: Art or Vandalism Essay1911 Words  | 8 PagesGraffiti: Art or Vandalism? Sam Cowey Graffiti has been around for more than half a decade and practiced worldwide. However there is debate between whether it is a form of art or vandalism. Graffiti artists’ debate that many do not understand the reason most graffiti artist take the risk of incarceration, fines, injuries, and in some cases death to paint a wall. A graffiti artist can have the simple desire to become recognized, or to create a piece that speaks to their audience as a form ofRead MoreArt or Vandalism? : The acceptance of graffiti as an art form2514 Words  | 11 Pagesbelieve that Graffiti is most certainly a valid art form. The question as to whether any forms of graffiti can be considered art is a controversial area. Is it vandalism when it is placed on the side of a building or a car and art when it is on a canvas on someones wall or in a gallery- what is the difference? Graffiti, in its more complex forms, can be considered art because it clearly contains artistic elements, it communicates th e artists expression to the viewer, and the traditional art communityRead MoreGraffiti: Art or Vandalism Essay examples1453 Words  | 6 Pagesis recognized as art and vandalism. The individual is often faced with uncertainty when the topic of graffiti arises. The public often portray graffiti as a destructive act towards his or her surroundings however; graffiti can also be considered a form of self-expression. Many questions can be made pertaining to the graffiti movement, but the main question is graffiti a crime or an art? The answers lie in the complex phrase of â€Å"beauty is in the eye of the beholder†. Graffiti portrays contemporaryRead MoreGraffiti Vandalism Essay993 Words  | 4 PagesIs graffiti vandalism or art? Many people say that graffiti is art, while others disagree saying its vandalism. In my opinion, graffiti is art. This type of art can be understood in different ways and can be considered as vandalism. It really all depends on what the picture expresses to you and what you see. But everyone has their own opinions and everyone sees everything differently. While many of these artists who are extremely talented and spend most of their time on their pieces, our societyRead MoreGraffiti Is A Form Of Art1019 Words  | 5 PagesDecember 2016 Graffiti is Art Graffiti is a form of art well known in the street art. There are many forms of arts like drawing, painting, sculpture, or graffiti. Graffiti is an art used for the community to send messages as well as representing for community identity and pride through Graffiti artwork. In the book â€Å"Read Write Connect†by Kathleen Green Amy Lawler, chapter 22 Public Art talks about what graffiti art, vandalism art is, the differences between graffiti artwork and vandalism, and the
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