Monday, September 30, 2019
Philosophy essay Essay
The nature of inquiry is not one that is uncommon to the human race. From the very origin of philosophy, the term for the â€Å"love of wisdom†, individuals have spent countless hours contemplating the most essential and critical matters before them. These individuals have made substantial attempts to explain reasoning behind the functioning of earthly matters, and by virtue of their study, they have come to be known as philosophers. While various philosophers have contributed to significant revelations and theories, the main pre-socratic philosophical movements were of ancient Greek origin and are attributed to the following philosophers: Thales, Anaximander, Xenophanes, Heraclitus, and Parmenides. Born in Miletus, Thales was discontent with the traditional stories of enchantment known as myths. Aristotle contributed the fact that he saw him as the very first philosopher, which a very common belief in the modern world. His major contributions were his beliefs that the cause and element of all things is water, and that all things are occupied with gods. The impressive matter is that Thales recognized that there is only one particular base for all things and that it was a naturally occurring substance that was very tangible and real. While there is not much information on Thales, it is speculated that he chose water because of its diversity and physical characteristics that allow for it to prevail in liquid, solid, and gaseous forms. As for his second contribution, the Greeks were firm believers of the immortality of the gods and their occupation in the lives of the humans and the natural world. Therefore, it would not be unusual for them to 2 reside in all things present on the earth. Thales very truly was the very first philosopher as he began the search for the answer to why things happen as they do. The Greek nature was not one to simply accept Thales propositions, but rather they focused on refuting it and providing other alternatives. Anaximander provided his own input on the matter with a theoretical proposition. He claims, that a system is in place, in which the Boundless is the infinite source of all, and it is the beginning- there was definitively nothing before it. The key feature of the Boundless is the immortality that it possesses, and further, it â€Å"encompasses all things†and â€Å"steers all things. †This concept of resolute envelopment is seen again in the New Testament, where it is reinforced that God is in all things. The Boundless is neither one thing, nor another, but rather, it maintains its own distinctive persona, and from it came all other things. Anaximander contributed many more developments, but they were all later proved incorrect. However, he does also state that existing things â€Å"make reparation to one another for their injustice according to the ordinance of time. †This suggests that a balance in nature must be properly observed. A hot summer must be counteracted with a cold winter, and so the seasons encroach on the â€Å"rights†as a result of the others and serve them injustice, but reparation is seen at the turn of the seasons. The developments made by Anaximander contradict what was then the Homeric tradition and essentially spurred a cultural crisis as the Greeks were unable to choose between the side of logic or that of myth and legend. A man known as Xenophanes came to the scene of philosophical inquiry when he clearly stated the religious implications of the new ideas of philosophy- a concept strictly avoided by most before him. He begins to critique the very nature of the gods, with the belief that it is shameful to portray them as no better than humans. While Xenophanes was not a disbeliever, he firmly believed in the presence of one god that reigned above all and was very different from 3 mortals in both body and mind. Xenophanes denies association with the gods through inspiration (i. e. muses) and any proposed revelation does not necessarily guarantee truth. He does, however, push us to format out believes by constantly seeking, even though he does not explain how. The belief is that over time, the continuous seeking will give to better opinions that may eventually be very near truth. He does not deny that there is the potential that some truth is known, but simply that there is no such thing as certainty without definitive proof. He goes into the matter that there is a scale of truth, and unbeknownst to us, there is no way to tell on which side our supposed revelations lay. Xenophanes contributes a new direction for thought. The questioning that he provides, in fact, questions its very own self, which is the basis of epistemology, or the theory of knowledge. Lastly, he provides his belief that only the one god knows the absolute basis and value of the truth, and while we may seek it out, because we are inferior, we cannot know for sure. Known to the Romans as â€Å"Heraclitus the obscure†this philosopher often wrote in complex riddles. One of his famous thoughts is â€Å"All things come into being through opposition, and that all are in flux, like a river. †The major bit that he provides is that reality in itself is a flux. It is possible to step many times into the same river, but it will never exactly be the same as the waters will be different. He postulates that all things are then in flux and are ever-changing, even though they maintain a constant identity over the change. Further, the opposition is necessary to cause events to occur. A lyre will only play music if tension is pushed onto its strings. What makes a river is the force of the water that constantly runs through it, for without this force, there would be no river. It can be said that Heraclitus was an optimist as he believe that the changes in the world are not chaotic, but are structured by an order that is divine in nature, and therefore, it is good and beautiful. He stresses the presence of logos, and his belief 4 that those who are intelligent listen to it, while many who do not and are foolish. The many miss this because they fail to recognize the logos that is present in everyday life. Unlike his predecessors in philosophy, Parmenides was not Ionian, but instead from Elea. He wrote a complicated metaphysical poem in which he decrees that the content was revealed to him by divine powers. In his poem, an argument is provided, but rather than to accept it, it beckons one to judge it instead, which makes it philosophical in nature. His argument is divided between â€Å"the Way of Truth†and â€Å"the Way of Opinion. †Interestingly, he makes the point that you cannot think â€Å"nothing. †When you think, you think of what is, so you cannot think of something that is not, since nothing cannot be something. Parmenides urges people to follow reason, and reason alone. Therefore, he holds the title of the very first rationalist philosopher. Additionally, he believes that all that exists, exists all at once. By existing at once, it evades the concept of being what is not, because that which is not is inconceivable and cannot be thought about. Since the fathering of philosophy by Thales, the developments and inquisitions made by astounding men grew strongly throughout the Pre-Socratic era, and then progressively even more into the more current era. The most significant early men that helped philosophy take its very roots were Thales, Anaximander, Xenophanes, Heraclitus, and Parmenides. Collectively, these men brought into question the very essential questions of philosophy that are even still argued and debated furiously over in the modern world. 5 Melchert, Norman. The Great Conversation: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy. New York: Oxford UP, 2011. Print. â€Å"Parmenides. †Web. 13 Mar. 2012. . â€Å"Presocratics. †SparkNotes. SparkNotes. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. .
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Confirmation: Early Christian Community Essay
For people in the Early Christian Community who wanted to commit themselves as followers of Christ they first needed to receive the sacraments of initiation. Initiation into the Church took place in a single ceremony, which normally unfolded during the Easter Vigil service. In the early church, the three Sacraments of initiationâ€â€Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharistâ€â€were celebrated in the same ceremony by adult converts. Although there was no clear emergence of Confirmation as a separate sacrament until after the third century, the elements of the Sacrament of Confirmation can be recognized in the Sacrament of Baptism in the early writing of the bible. After a long period of instruction that sometimes lasted as long as three years, each person was baptized, confirmed and also received the Eucharist. They were then brought before the Bishop where he laid his hands on each of their heads and prayed that they might receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and become responsible Christians living through Christ to fulfill his life long mission. At some point in the early Christian Community, the sacraments of initiation, baptism and confirmation, became primarily a sacrament for infants. Their baptism would allow them to become a member of the church and then confirmation would happen right after this, which was when the bishop would confirm or acknowledge this commitment. Eventually, however in the early 1900’s confirmation became a sacrament associated not with infants but with older youths. Where each child can consciously make the decision to strengthen the bond with god and accept the reasonability to the church and to others as well.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Communication and successful management Research Paper
Communication and successful management - Research Paper Example †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 11 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 12 Introduction Communication is the process of passing information from one person to another with an aim of receiving feedback or response. Basically, the aim of communication is to improve good relation among people. On the other hand, management is the art of controlling, organizing and planning among others. Similarly, the main aim of management is efficiency improvement in operation. Generally, communication is a vital tool for effective management. There are different forms of communication that are vertical, horizontal, verbal, non-verbal, direct and indirect. Therefore, communication is important for successful management. Considering the importance of communication in achievement of success in management, there is need to study communication and its important contribution in successful management. Generally, the paper is a research proposal on importance of good communication to workers, employees and managers in an organizational setting. It also focuses on the creation of productive, creative and cooperative work place through good connection between employees and managers created through good communication. Significance of the study This research study basically focuses on communication and management. It tries to find out the importance of communication for effective and successful management. There has been a rising concern over relation between managers and employees. This is basically influenced by communication between them. Therefore, the study is important because it tries to establish ways of improving ways of fostering good communication between employees and managers. The study is important to organizations, employees and managers i n different sectors in the economy. If the study is successfully carried out, relation between managers and employees may be improved since effective methods may be developed. Research questions and/ or hypothesis What is communication? What is management? What are the elements of good communication? What is the importance of good communication? What are the types of communication commonly used in organizations? What is the importance of successful communication? Scope Since the research aims at determining importance of good communication for good relation among employees and managers in an organization, the data collected in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data. Each research objective therefore used varying fractions of each form of data (Babbie, and Benaquisto, 2009, p 56). The research method chosen for this study
Friday, September 27, 2019
SWOT analysis on Apple company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SWOT analysis on Apple company - Research Paper Example SWOT Analysis Strength Apple has been known for its innovation strategy and is one of the most successful companies. The company is known for its innovation, its unique ability to design and develop the company’s operating systems. The strength of the company lies in providing the customers with new product and solutions with a superior ease of use. The company investment in the research and development along with marketing and advertisement also adds on to the list of its strength (Apple Inc.-a, 2011, p.1). The company products are in high demand for example, sale of iPod increased and about 100 million iPods were sold making it the fastest selling music player in history (Apple Inc.-b, 2011). The sale of its notebooks products are also very strong and represent a huge contribution to Apple’s income. Apple is one of the most influential and established brand in the world and thus has a set of loyal customers who advocates the brand. The brand not only attracts new cust omers but also retains them. Weaknesses It was reported that Apple iPod Nano had faulty screen. Apple has admitted that there was problem with its new iPod Nano due to a manufacturing problem. The company claims that this problem has affected less than a 10th of 1% of all the Nanos shipped (BBC News, 2005). The music industry have demanded to increase the price of its music downloaded file as many of the music industry makes money from iTunes rather than from the sales of the original CDs. According to Steve Jobs, Apple has made a sale of more than half a billion songs with its iTune Music store capturing about 82% of the market share in US (Cohen & MacCentral, 2005). The product life cycle of the products of Apple is very short and thus revenues depend on the launch of new products and services. Market share of Apple is behind from its competitors such as Microsoft. Opportunities As more and more consumers are getting individualistic and conscious about a brand, Apple’s oppo rtunity is to target those set of consumers. Apple can introduce more new models to cater to the needs of its customers. Apple has an opportunity to develop its iTunes into mobile phone format. Downloads could be available through USB cables, new technology and strategic alliances which would offer a wide opportunities for Apple. The music can be downloaded from Podcasts and played on the iPods where the listener can subscribe for free and revenue can be generated from sales of various other downloads. Another opportunity lies with Apple is with the company’s smart phones. At present Samsung has outshines Apple smart phone thus giving an opportunity to Apple to come up with new features and capture the market share (Whitney, 2011). Since the PC and mobile industry is growing at a steady rate, thus Apple being one of the successful brands has a wide opportunity to explore and expand itself into other countries such as into Asia. There has been an increase in the demand for onl ine music and other applications such as the cloud making a room for Apple to expand into these sectors and generate high revenue. Threats The biggest threat for Apple comes from the high level of competition from the technology markets. A successful market attracts competitors and Apple works hard on its Research and Development and in its marketing tool to retain its competitive position. The popularity of
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Should Performance Enhancing Drugs (Such as Steroids) Be Accepted in Research Paper
Should Performance Enhancing Drugs (Such as Steroids) Be Accepted in Sports - Research Paper Example This facet has divided the world population into two segment with some being against, the use of steroids while others supporting introduction of the drugs in the sports (Cooper, pg 102). Each one of the two sides, hold different opinions as to why they have taken their own specific stand. The side of sportsmen and women as well as the trainers, who support the idea argue that, use of the drugs helps minimize the injuries and also enhance recovery of body muscles, While the sporting bodies which opposes the idea of using these drugs argues that acceptance of this substance promotes unfair sporting activities that are based on lie rather than the true fact of sporting. The world has continued to ponder on the issue of performance enhancing drugs in sporting activities. It has been left in confusion striving to find a common ground on the matter. The history of this issue date as back to ancient Greeks who used the plant extracts as stimulant. The prominence of doping, however, heightened in late 1960s; when the sporting activity became more popular in different continents. Nevertheless, the climax of the issue has gained moment in the past decade with the majority of athletes being diagnosed to have injected these drugs in their system in order to enhance their performance (Cooper, pg33). With increase evolution in health technology, it has become much easier for the sporting bodies to detect and confirm if the accused person has used the drugs. Research on these enhancing drugs has shown that; they help in building of fat reserves in the muscle of the person through protein stimulation. The individual becomes even much stronger, hence able to par ticipate in the sports and also train for long hours without exhaustion. As the heated debate on drugs continues to take a better part of the center stage, the puzzling question which the majority of the partisan continue to ask, Do we have to accept these drugs in the sporting activities?. The
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Main Goals of Japan Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Main Goals of Japan Economy - Essay Example Catch up effect theory speculates that poorer and richer economies will grow faster than richer nations; this, therefore, means that they will converge at some point in terms of their per capita incomes. In the chart below there is no catch-up effect because developed countries like Japan has a per capita of 30866 as compared to Congos 374 (GAPMINDER, p. 2). Japan is currently ranked number 12, with a human development index of 0.901, compared to the world’s average of 0.682. Human development index shows a three-dimensional measure of human development which includes assessment of health, education, income, inequality, and poverty. With HDI of 0.901, Japan has a very high standard of living and is currently viewed by economists as one of the most expensive countries to live because of its market competitiveness. A lot of expatriates working in Japan live in big cities like Tokyo and Nagoya. The incomes of most of the residents are enough to provide them with the basic necessities. With the very high propensity to consume among the citizens a number of them still have the surplus for their leisure and personal satisfaction. This high standard of living has been on a rising scale from 0.778 to 0.901 between 1980 and 2011 showing a 16% increase (Human Development Indicators, p. 14). Japan is a very strong economy as shown by the above indicators. It has got a very high economic growth as compared to other nations with a free market and industrialized economy; it is ranked the second in the world in terms of wealth. Even though there was a reduced growth in Gross Domestic Product between 2007 and 2009, the economy picked up in 2010 with a GDP growth of 4% which is quite encouraging. The recent reports confirmed that Japan posted a 1% expansion in the quarter of 2012 over the previous quarter. Japans economy is also experiencing positive net exports of 1.1% of the Total GDP. Its economy is competitive and efficient on international trade as shown by the net exports, major contributors being the manufacturing and industry sector.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Classical empires of SEA critique + essay Research Paper
Classical empires of SEA critique + essay - Research Paper Example Eurocentric in this context implies a term having its origin from Western Europe, but with no historical significance to the historical context of SEA people. According to Aung-Thwin,2 when historians refer to the â€Å"classical†period in Southeast Asia, they are usually referring to the period between the ninth and fourteenth centuries AD. In other words, the use of the term â€Å"classical†refers to civilization of SEA ancient kingdoms. The term refers to specific dynamics in the past considered critical in shaping the current dynamics in SEA countries. Moreover, as Aung-Twin argues, the word â€Å"classical†in SEA historical context was only recently used. Its use gained root in lectures and seminars during the 1960s and 1970s by western history scholars.3 Importantly, the term â€Å"classical†was first used when a group of western scholars of SEA studies met in 1977 to discuss â€Å"indigenous conceptual systems†among the â€Å"Indic†states.4 After some heated discussions among the scholars in the conference, the term â€Å"Indic†was deliberately replaced by the term â€Å"clas sical,†and all the following scholastic work in SEA studies started bearing the term â€Å"classical†instead. Essentially, the aim of the scholars was to separate the SEA historical context into distinct and systematic periods that successfully built on one another, similar to the European pre-medieval to post medieval periods. Therefore, judging from these dynamics, the term â€Å"classical†is Eurocentric and does not have any relevancy or meaning to the SEA people regarding their history. In addition, the current breed of scholars have refrained from writing anything about the classical SEA as people are more and more becoming aware of Eurocentrism, which is portrayed as a biased interpretation of history. The fact that earlier scholars chose to dwell on â€Å"classicalness†of SEA may be because they were Western educated, different from the current
Monday, September 23, 2019
Independence of Women in Marriage in the Medieval Era Essay
Independence of Women in Marriage in the Medieval Era - Essay Example Furthermore, since a man writes her prologue, we cannot help but think about why he wrote it. This imaginary character gives Chaucer a chance to address several subjects that might have been forbidden during his time. By making use of irony and wittiness, Chaucer is able to construct statements regarding women and how they are dealt with. It is ought to be noted that Chaucer was definitely seeking to embody a woman's voice. Actually, by creating the Wife of Bath, we can presume he wanted to produce a memorable personality in her. In her Prologue as part of "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer, The Wife of Bath offers readers a complex portrait of a medieval woman. On the one hand, The Wife of Bath is shameless about her sexual exploits and the way she uses sexual power to obtain what she wishes. Alternatively, by doing precisely these things she is bearing out unconstructive stereotypes regarding women and showing that women are manipulative and deceiving. Although her performances might at first appear to be uprising against the male-dominated culture in The Canterbury Tales, and more commonly, the medieval era for women, there is very slight that she does that is in fact revolutionary or making powerful women of her time. Based even just on her introduction in "The Canterbury Ta... be seen as a parody of sorts since she embodies a number of negative female characteristics including stupidity and arrogance; deceitfulness, and lewdness. Although she is striking back at men it is not for any deeper reason other than personal profit. It appears that in this section of the prologue to the Wife of Bath's tale, Chaucer wants his readers to laugh at this character rather than admire her for her proto-feminist stances on life and marriage. If the wife character in the Wife of Bath is meant to destroy the label of women, one could visualize that she would employ in intellectual and informed discussion with some of the constituents of her party. As it positions, however, the nearest she comes to this is by presenting her twisted consideration of the Bible. Rather conceitedly she declares in one of the significant quotes from The Canterbury Tales (and The Wife of Bath's Tale particularly), "Men may divine and glosen up and down / But well woot I express withouten lie / God bad us for to wexe and multiplye / That gentil text can I wel understone" (lines 26-30). While it can be found in the Bible that humans should procreate, it is worth noting that she prefaces this statement with a few words about how men sit and interpret the Bible. In her Prologue in the "Canterbury Tales" by Chaucer, the Wife of Bath is claiming that she too is capable of doing this and that the text is not beyond her reach. Yet, the setback with this is that she is not confirming anything about her cleverness; she is simply trying to prove or defend her loose actions along with the word of God. The Wife's symbolic techniques, however unscrupulous, achieve the desired results. The spectators cannot present instantaneous counter-arguments, and if we visualize her in the dramatic condition
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Many of the characters in Of Mice and Men have dreams Essay Example for Free
Many of the characters in Of Mice and Men have dreams Essay Many of the characters in Of Mice and Men have dreams. What are their dreams and how near are any of them to achieving what they want? Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck is a classic novel set in a ranch town in Salinas Valley, California. The novel may have been set here as a result of most of Steinbecks childhood being spent on his fathers farmland. His descriptions of the setting will have been aided by his first hand experience of the ranches of the area. The novel itself documents the lives of Lennie Small and George Milton. With Lennie being mentally challenged he has the psychological capabilities of a five year old. This means he has to be cared for by George because he acts childish and irresponsibly. For this reason, he often causes commotion within the ranch he is working. On many occasions disruption has occurred and occurs, George and Lennie are forced to leave their current ranch and start again at a new one. As they are always moving around, they never have a secure job and are always staying in temporary accommodation. With each time they move to a different ranch they dream more and more of having their own piece of land where they can be their own bosses and live off the crops they grow. This is shown by this quote, and we can live off the fatta the lan' said by George. This is only one of the many dreams that feature in Of Mice and Men, however not one of the dreams featured in this novel are achieved. This reflected the harsh reality of the Great Depression and the racial prejudice in society at the time. Steinbeck set Of Mice and Men during the Great Depression, in the late 1920s and the 1930s. Many migrants came to California, from other parts of the world looking for work as America was seen as the Land of Opportunity. This glimpse of hope inspired many Europeans to emigrate as Europe, at the time, was overcrowded and disease ridden. America was believed to provide cheap land and no rigid class structure existed. These characteristics gave Europeans the chance of a completely different way of life to what they were used to. In 1929, America entered a prolonged period of economic deprivation due to the collapse of the New York stock exchange, The Wall Street Crash. Following The Wall Street Crash, many Americans who had invested great deals of money into stocks and shares lost almost all of their investments. In some cases, people would have lost their houses and life savings. During The Great Depression, failed businesses and long-term unemployment were of the norm. The hopes of those immigrants, who came to America looking for a new life, were dashed by this tragic event. America was certainly not the Land of Opportunity. George and Lennie travelled from ranch to ranch together. This was unusual as most ranch workers would only usually work at one ranch for no longer than a month or two. They would literally not have the time for friendship. This was one of the reasons that the average workers dream was for some sort of companionship. The fact that George and Lennie had travelled together so long is significant as they lived the dream of so many other workers. It would give them the chance of having an alternative dream, one of owning their own land on which they could live off. When travelling from ranch to ranch workers could not carry many possessions and so had nothing to show for their years of working. They would work and work but not really achieve much. They would spend the money they earned and then earn some more and repeat. This is illustrated in the quote, up a stake and blow the stake. A dream would be important as it would give a worker something to work towards instead of working with no real direction in their life. Many of the characters in the novel have dreams. The dream is a form of escape from reality of life. As previously stated, George and Lennies dream is to have a piece of land that they can call their own, tend it, grow crops and raise animals. However, Lennie specifically dreams of caring for rabbits. This shows his immaturity. He says, An have rabbits! George is always repeating this dream to Lennie. When he does depict the dream to Lennie, he uses exaggerative language and gets involved in the dream almost as much as Lennie. Both George and Lennie become excited when the dream is recalled. They swear, Well just say the hell with going to work , animating their eagerness to fulfil their dream. George and Lennies dream eventually fails. This is for a number of reasons. It is mainly because Lennie is such a burden to George. Because of Lennies mental incapability, he has no idea that he is making Georges life miserable. George says, Course Lennies a God damn nuisance most of the time, but you get used to goin around with a guy an you cant get rid of him George is being held back by Lennie as they are constantly forced to change jobs, because of situations the Lennie gets them in to and therefore they cant stay in work long enough to build up any sort of savings. The result of this is that they can not save up the money to achieve the dream. Lennie has limited social skills and so does not know how to interact with people. Instead, he finds comfort in touching things and is too tactile. This causes trouble as Lennie often touches womens clothes and is misunderstood and seen to be abusive. For this reason, George has to keep a constant eye on Lennie. When Candy makes the proposal of entering their dream in exchange for three hundred dollars, George suddenly sees some possibility of the dream succeeding. Before, he had merely used the dream as a pacifier for Lennie and had lulled himself into believing that it may happen so that he could continue bringing hope to Lennie. I think that sub-consciously he always knew that the dream would never be a reality. With Candys financial input, the dream could realistically be achieved within the month. However, an abrupt end to their hopes arrives. Lennie, in his childlike way, cannot conceive of the line where stroking stops and hurting begins in terms of petting, and he ends up accidently killing two animals by petting them violently. Most horrifically, at the climax of the story, he kills Curlys wife in the same way. The fact that he killed her was the final blow to the dream. I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed wed never do her, George says as he realizes the dream is inevitable. Lennie was inevitably going to be hunted down and shot on site. George, who is forced to join the manhunt for Lennie, decides that the kindest way out for both him and Lennie is to kill him when he finds him. He does this by luring Lennie into a false state of trust by reciting their dream to him one last time. This sends Lennie off into death with his dream in his head. You can argue in some way Lennie has achieved his dream. Curlys wife has a dream common to the period and today. She believes that she has the talent to become a Hollywood actress. She was convinced of this as when she was younger; she acquainted herself with a Hollywood director who deemed her suitable to be an actress in the movies. This is shown in a quote taken from a passage spoken by Curlys wife, An I coulda sat in them big hotels, an had pitchers took of me..An all them nice clothes they wear. Because this guy said I was a natural. This guy told her she would receive a letter from him explaining where to meet to develop her acting career. Her explanation of why she didnt become an actress is idealistic at best. She believed that her mother stole that letter. However, this is an optimistic justification. It just so happens that shortly after Curleys wife was given the hope of becoming an actress, she met Curley. When she realised that her dream of becoming an actress was truly over, she decided to marry Curley. She may have done this as, at the time, it was very difficult for a woman to get a job and live on her own. The main profession of women then was housewife. Most women would marry a modest worker but marrying a rich man who owned a ranch was a bonus. Life would be easy for Curleys wife as she would not have to lift a finger. As there was such discrimination towards women, Curleys wife found herself being ignored by the men on the ranch. She was not paid much attention by Curley and was seen by him as more of a trophy than a wife. These are the main reasons that Curleys wife is not happy. She openly expresses that she does not even love Curley. I dont like Curley. She regrets that she married him in the first place. She was not able to speak to anyone during the day as all of the men were out on the fields working. This causes her to be extremely lonely. At any chance she can she will speak to someone. When she speaks to Lennie in the barn, she says, Why cant I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. I get awful lonely. This shows that she craves friendship. She is often prying on the men just looking for someone to talk to. She justifies this by saying to Slim Hi, good lookin. Im tryin to find Curley, Slim. The fact that she does not even have a name and is instead referred to as Curleys wife shows her status on the ranch. It shows that she is so insignificant that she is not even deemed important enough to warrant a real name. She is looked down on and shown no respect by most of the men on the ranch. She also has the dream to be treated as equal to the men on the ranch. This is similar to Crooks dream. He just wants to be accepted by everyone else on the ranch. However, both Crooks and Curleys wife have similar dreams which would lead you to think that they would sympathise with each other. The reality is quite opposite. Curleys wife approaches Crooks in an aggressive manor and speaks to him in a demoralising way. She says, Well you keep your place, then Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it aint even funny! She perhaps speaks to Crooks with no respect as he is the only person on the ranch over whom she has a higher status. Crooks and Candy try to enter George and Lennies dream. They both do this for their own reasons. Candy is worried about his future on the ranch. He believes that is nearing the point of becoming useless to the ranch owner. He needs some security so that when he does become of no use, he can settle down somewhere. Crooks feels socially isolated and needs to go somewhere that he will be treated as an equal. George, Lennie and Candy do not discriminate against Crooks as much as most. This is the reason that he would feel comfortable living in a house with them. Candy, when he enters the dream, provides financial power. He has three hundred dollars that he is willing to invest in the dream. When he first tries to join the dream, George responds in a negative and coy way. He says You know a place like that? [Candy] Spose I do? Whats that to you? [George]. However, when George considers Candys proposition, he starts to think that the dream may actually become a reality. Candy is afraid that if he does not get somewhere that he can retire to, he may have no one to care for him. Eventually he will be seen of no use and disposed of, much like his dog. Crooks joins the dream as he feels he needs a shelter from society, somewhere that he is accepted for the person that he is and not judged by his skin colour or his disability. Crooks has no status and is treated with no respect on the ranch. He is frustrated with all of the racism directed towards him. He says, If I say something, why, its just a nigger saying it Crooks had a taste of equality when he was a child. He was accepted by white children and has perhaps not accepted the fact that he is now a social outcast. He says, The white kids come to play at our place, an sometimes I went to play with them, and some of them was pretty nice He remembers what it was like to be an equal and wants to experience that feeling again. This is one of the reasons the Crooks joins the dream. Candy will soon be too old and frail to keep his job at the ranch. The fact that he only has one hand means that his job opportunities are very limited. He, much like Crooks, has no one in his life. He just watches workers come and go from the ranch. He would have somewhere to belong if he joined the dream. This is a very important psychologically as having a place to call home can give Candy a reason to carry on living. All of these characters have dreams and their dreams are important to them. They all give their character some sort of goal to aim for and a light at the end of the tunnel. I believe Steinbeck is trying to make a point by including all of these dreams. I think he is trying to say that without dreams, we are all lost in our lives. We all need some sort of dream to keep us motivated. I think the novel was written to show the stranglehold that the Great Depression had on America in the 1930s. It also shows how hard the life of an itinerant worker was. Of Mice and Men was very a descriptive and informative book. It made me realise that dreams, however small or big, are vital in life.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
A View from the bridge Essay Example for Free
A View from the bridge Essay The play is set in the Red Hook district of New York where a Sicilian community has set up, and where respect is everything. The play is set in the 1940s, in the great depression. Eddie Carbone is the main character of the play, and one of Arthur Millers main concerns with him is his psychological state of mind. The play concentrates from the first word to the last full stop on the way Eddie clashes with his emotions, as his niece, Catherine, matures into a young woman and constructs a serious relation ship with an illegal immigrant who is staying with them. Arthur Miller was born on October 17th, 1915, in New York. Both of his parents were immigrants, but the family was quiet wealthy because of his fathers successful clothing business, until it was declared bankrupt following the crash at the stock exchange. Miller then went to work as a warehouseman to earn money to go to the university of Michigan in 1934. Miller whilst studding, Economics and History also took a course in playwriting and then became his main fixation. After his graduation in 1938, he became a journalist and wrote radio scripts. During World war two Miller worked as a ship fitter for two years, in Brooklyn Navy Ship yard, where almost all the workers were of Italian descendant. His first stage play to be produced, The Man Who Had All the Luck, was a total failure when it was staged on Broadway in 1944. But in 1947 All My sons was an immense success. This was followed by another great success two years later, Death of a Salesman, this play was such a success it won the Pulitzer Prize. In 1953 he wrote The Crucible, which he wrote as his reaction to the hounding down on left wing sympathizers, which was the current trend in the United States of America, he himself was summoned. A view from the bridge was his next play. It was first produced as a one-act play in 1955, but an extended and modified in 1956 and then was presented at the Comedy Theatre in London. Also in 1956 he divorced his first wife and married his second wife Marilyn Monroe, which in turn boosted his celebrity status. But this marriage was short lived and a divorce was settled in 1961. Miller has continued to produce a number of successful plays and has written an autobiography Timebends in 1987. The play A View from the bridge was thought up by Arthur Miller in the late 1940s, when he became engrossed in the lives and work of longshoremen in New Yorks Brooklyn harbour, and where he had previously worked. A lawyer friend of Millers told him a story he had heard of a longshoreman who had informed the Immigration board on two of his own relatives who were staying with him, he did this to break up an engagement between one of them and his niece. The story ended inevitably in tragedy with the mans death. Eddie is portrayed as an honest, hardworking man, however soon into the play his character changes, and from the very few lines of the play the main character Eddie is trying to protect his niece Catherine from other men and save her for himself: Catherine: But those guys look at all the girls, you know that. Eddie: You aint all the girls. This clearly shows that Catherine is very special to Eddie and he will do any thing to protect her. The further on into the play you go the more it becomes apparent that Eddie is emotionally unstable and is not ready to deal with his inner emotions, he turns out quiet nasty and an overall angry person towards life: I aint starting nothing, but I aint goanna stand around looking at that This aggression is directed at his wife Beatrice and a relative named Rodolpho who at this time has started dating his beloved niece. The further on in the play Eddie starts to show his anger in other ways, mainly by insulting and talking about Rodolpho behind his back:
Friday, September 20, 2019
History Of The Uae Foreign Policy Politics Essay
History Of The Uae Foreign Policy Politics Essay Since its establishment in 1971, the United Arab Emirates implemented an objective foreign policy based several beliefs including the adoption of dialogue, appreciation of international conventions, commitment to the United Nations Charter , the non-interference of other countrys internal affairs, and the resolution of disputes by peaceful means. One of the core foundations the UAEs foreign policy has been building cooperation-based relations with all countries of the world. These relations have insured a substantial development assistance, which has increased the UAEs importance among recipient states. Most of this foreign aid (in excess of $15 billion) has been to various Arab and Muslim countries. UAE Foreign Policy The UAEs political leadership operates within a foreign policy framework which emphasizes diplomacy, negotiation and a willingness to help those less fortunate. The UAE is attentive of its commitment to its neighbors and the international community with regard to regional peace, stability and security. To achieve these goals, it has purposefully built bridges, partnerships and dialogue, and has emphasized moderation, tolerance and respect for all peoples and religions. Relying on these tools of engagement has allowed the Government to pursue effective, balanced and wide-ranging ties with the international community. One of the central features of the UAEs foreign policy has been the development of closer ties with its neighbors in the Arabian Peninsula through the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The UAE is also a member of the Arab League, the Arab Quartet, the Committee for the Arab Peace Initiative, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), and many other regional, international and intergovernmental organizations, as well as, the United Nations (UN) and its affiliated bodies. UAEs Foreign Policy and its commitment to the security Arabian Gulf and Peninsula The UAE it continues to press for the preservation of Gulf waters as an open international trade zone and the Strait of Hormuz (a strait between the Sultanate of Oman and Iran) as an open maritime passageway. However, Irans continuing occupation of three UAE islands in the Gulf, Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs, is a source of instability in the region. Although historically governed by the rulers of the emirates of Sharjah and Ras al-Khaimah, they were forcibly occupied by Iran hours before the federation was formed on 2 December 1971. The UAE has consistently rejected the Iranian occupation, demanded the restoration of its full sovereignty and emphasized that all actions and measures taken by the occupying Iranian authorities are illegitimate, and are contrary to international law and to universal norms. Since 1971, Iran has been unwilling to seek a mutually agreeable solution. The UAE, in contrast, has called for a just settlement of this issue, either through direct nego tiation or by referral to the International Court of Justice to settle this dispute in accordance with the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the provisions of international law. Further afield, in pursuit of regional security, the UAE participated in the GCC attempt to propose an initiative to resolve the ongoing political crisis in Yemen. In 2011, it played a pivotal role in the lead-up to the passing of UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973 dealing with Libya and within the Libya Contact Group and other forums. The UAE played a stabilizing role during the Bahrain crisis, providing police forces for a GCC-sanctioned plan to bring peace to the island nation and counseling the government and opposition forces to pursue a national strategy for dialogue. More recently, the UAE has condemned the conflict in Syria as heartbreaking pointing out that it exceeds all limits and humanitarian norms and noting with deep concern the escalating acts of violence perpetrated by the Syrian regime against its people, which have stripped the regime of its legitimacy. Moreover, since the Israeli-Hezbollah war of 2006, the UAE has sponsored the rebuilding of hospitals and schools in southern Lebanon. In 2001, it joined over 60 countries in Afghanistan in providing 1300 troops on the ground in a humanitarian, educational and security mission that continues today. Prior to this, the UAE participated in a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo in the 1990s. It is also among the largest contributors of international aid assistance to developing countries. As a small emerging regional and global player, it is clear that the UAE is dealing with challenges on many fronts and at different levels, largely in cooperation with a diversified group of friends and allies in the GCC, the Arab League, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and the United Nations and its diverse organizations. UAE foreign policy also emphasizes the strong relationship and mutual interests the country has with the United States and other countries, including the United Kingdom, France and South Korea and, although not a member of NATO, the UAE has chosen to join the coalitions Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI). Terrorism is one such global challenge. In this regard, the UAE continues to renew its firm condemnation of all acts of terrorism, illicit trafficking in drugs and arms, and organized crime and reaffirms its resolve to continue cooperating with international and multilateral efforts aimed at total elimination of these activities, which pose a direct threat to international peace and security. In pursuit of this goal, the UAE has announced the establishment of the Centre of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism in collaboration with several friends and actors, which will begin its work in Abu Dhabi at the end of 2012. Overview of UAEs Foreign relations with the US. The UAEs strategic relationship with the United States dates back to the 1990 invasion of Kuwait. Subsequent to joining the military effort, the two countries signed an agreement in late 1992 allowing for US bases on Emirate soil.[50] July 25, 1994, a formal Defense Cooperation Agreement has been in place.[51] Ten years later, despite publicly opposing the US led war on Iraq, the UAE permitted a minimal amount of US forces to support the operation from the Al Dhafra air base, Jebel Ali, and naval facilities at Fujairah. Enhancing security relations, has been a US arms sale in March 2000 to the Emirates, valued at $8 billion and included over $2 billion worth of weapons, munitions, and services.[52] A nuclear deal was signed between the US and the UAE meant to supply nuclear technology, expertise and fuel. Despite international opposition to neighboring Irans nuclear developments, the US is confident of the UAEs compliance with the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty and the International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards to refrain from enriching uranium and extracting plutonium.[53] It firmly believes this agreement has the potential to usher in an era of responsible nuclear-energy development throughout the Middle East.Global, New U.S.-U.A.E. Deal Raises Eyebrows Amid Concern Over Irans Nuclear Program, January 16, 2009 [54] Commercially, the UAE is also the States largest export market in the Middle East constituting $11.6 billion in exports annually. In March 2005, the US opened negotiations on a free trade agreement and despite recent increasing depreciation of Gulf currencies, the UAE dirham remains pegged to the plunging dollar.[55] The two countries have also maintained close ties through an exchange of cultural and educational partnerships which include the Guggenheim Museum, and a number of American Universities opening campuses in the Emirates.[56] Development of the UAE Foreign policy from 1970 to 2012 The Emirates foreign policy has gone through a dynamic change in recent years. The change is apparently broad and indeed fundamental. It encompasses the very content as well as the style in which the UAE deals with external opportunities and challenges. The relatively small but oil-rich UAE is noticeably more assertive and active regionally and globally than it used to be during the first three decades of its establishment as a federal state on December 2, 1971. During the time of the late founding father and first president of the country, Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan al Nahyan, UAE foreign policy was predominantly idealistic in its orientation and essentially Arab world-centred. The main drive at the time was limited to preserving the countrys sovereignty and newly-won independence. However, since 2004, a confident and ambitious UAE has been pursuing a more global and palpably a more realistic foreign policy. The dissertation uses a theoretical framework called the Dynamic Process Model, which asserts that the UAE essentially pursues a tripartite foreign policy, namely: identity, security and economy. The Arab world is needed for identity, the West for security and most recently Asia for the economy. However, in the current tripartite foreign policy, the economic leg looms large. Economic interests and not identity, not even security, are the new anchor in this mainly realistic approach to international politics. The growing emphasis on economic interests constitutes a fundamental shift away from the mostly idealistic and humanistic UAE foreign policy of the Shaikh Zayed era with its preoccupation with Arabness. The Arab world is still needed for the identity and affinity, but it is no longer the main focus of the UAEs current foreign policy. The US and the West also remain as indispensable, strategic allies. Yet their importance is increasingly reduced to serve as a security insurance. Asia, on the other hand, is the new centre of interest in the present UAE foreign policy. The UAE, like the rest of the world, is going East to discover China, the second biggest economy in the world, South Korea, the fourth biggest economy in Asia, and all the other Asian tigers. They are the new destinations for economic, energy and security diversification policy. The UAE foreign policy priorities are sensibly changing to accommodate the contemporary global and regional realities. However, external influences aside, the noticeable change in UAE foreign policy is mainly a reflection of the formal and the informal domestic sociopolitical structures of the present state. Unlike the old guardians of UAE foreign policy, the younger elites come strictly from the realist school with emphasis on economics and balance of power as the new anchor for UAE foreign policy today. They are ready to defend the countrys national interests frontally and decisively. They are not shy to pick up the fight when it is needed to defend the countrys vast global investments. Canadas refusal to give the UAE carriers landing rights is a case in point. Another sign of the more confident and assertive post-founding father UAE foreign policy is the UAEs adherence to the strict UN economic sanctions against a characteristically difficult neighbour like Iran. The message coming out of this freshly submitted master dissertation is that the mature and self-assured UAE should not be taken for granted and is no longer the state anyone messes with anymore. The world is well advised to take the UAE more seriously. Over the last five years, the UAEs diplomacy has witnessed a major shift towards relationships with new regions such as South America, Central America, Africa, Central Asia and the Pacific, where a number of embassies and consulates have been opened. Looking to the future, the UAE leadership is committed to ensuring that its foreign policy will continue to be characterized by prudence, support, conciliation and consensus, as well as cooperation with international institutions. At the same time, it is ready to contribute to the defense of the rights of the weak and vulnerable states.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Innocent :: Booker T. Washington Slavery Essays
Innocent In the case of Booker T. Washington once can plainly dismiss the idea of charging him with complacency or sycophancy. Such charges are absolutely absurd and can be easily disproved. In a time period where the black race was truly looked down upon, disrespected and mistreated, Booker T. Washington sought to do things to bring his people out of the muck they were placed in. Complacency is the act of self-satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies. As stated by a member of Prosecution, â€Å"For this trial, complacency is being defined as a state of conscious denial about hazards or oppressions†(Blandford 1). How could one believe that this is what Mr. Washington stood for? As brought up by members of the prosecution, Booker T. Washington’s complacency can be seen in the area of education. As stated by Prosecutor Wilson, â€Å"Washington discusses his disgust with his students’ preoccupation with the study of foreign language, grammar an arithmetic†. Such a statement is not true. Booker T. Washington was quite in favor of the intellectual learning of black. After all, why would such an activist for the betterment of blacks be against their intellectual betterment? At no point in time does Mr. Washington show disgust as portrayed by the prosecution in the area of education. In fact, Washington was in favor for the intellectual incline of his black people. â€Å"I was determined to start them off on a solid and thorough foundation so far as their books were concerned†(89). Now, does that sound like the words of a man against education? It is just that Booker T. Washington wanted his people to succeed and be the best in all areas of life including that of industrial work. He wanted his students to be well rounded so that after graduation they would be able to get any kind of job, whether it is relying solely on intellectual aspects or that of specific skill or trade. Washington was well aware of the success and independence one can attain from knowing specific skills needed within the society. With this ability, an individual can be self-employed and can always get jobs within the society.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Summer Of The Monkeys: Jay Berry And His Conflicts Essay -- essays res
Summer of the Monkeys: Jay Berry and His Conflicts OUTLINE      Topic: Jay Berry      Purpose: To identify the nature of the force of the conflict which Jay Berry encounters, and indicate how they help or hinder Jay Berry the protagonist in Wilson Rawls novel Summer of the Monkeys      Thesis: Before Jay Berry succeeds his goal he encounters many conflicts that both hinder and help him through his amazing adventure.      I.                    Inner Forces                          A. Help- personality traits                          1. Determination                          2. Confidence      II.                    B. Hinder                          1. Fear                          2. Over confidence      III.                    Outer Forces                          A. Help- other people                          1. Grandpa                          2. Old Rowdy      IV.      ... ...ed against Jay Berry. The monkeys hindered Jay Berry with their intellectual abilities and also their physical attributes. Jay Berry did not know what he was going up against when he took on the challenge of catching the escaped circus monkeys. They outsmarted Jay Berry many times making Jay Berry looking like a buffoon. Also the monkeys physical capabilities are far more superior than Jay Berry's, also you will not see Jay Berry jumping from tree to tree. Another outer force that hindered Jay Berry was the environment. The sycamore trees are much too tall for Jay Berry to climb, and the bottoms are very unstable.      Summer of the Monkeys written by Wilson Rawls displays many inner and outer forces either help or hindering Jay Berry. In the end Jay Berry was struck by a surprise when the whole family got what they wished for in the magical fairy ring that Daisy found. The peak of Jay Berry's success is when he got a chance to run with Daisy through the fields, and also got his pony and .22. A lesson is to be learned from Jay Berry's wonderful experience, if you do what's best and not just what you want, you might just get both as an even greater reward.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Pizza †Marketing Essay
2. Summary: a. Overall Score i. With this Competitive Profile Matrix, a couple of conclusions can be made. Firstly, when comparing Pizza Hut to its competitors, it can be seen that Pizza Hut had a higher score than Papa John’s but scored lower than Dominos. This shows that overall Pizza Hut is doing better than Papa John’s in terms of identifying strengths and working with weaknesses. When looking at Dominos, however, it shows that Dominos is a lot better at turning these success factors into strengths rather than weaknesses. b. Weights ii. When focusing on weights alone, however, some other conclusions can be drawn and also differ in outcomes when looking at the overall score. The most important things we identified in the pizza industry are product quality, price competitiveness, and advertising. As a group we weighted product quality and price equally with advertising being the second most important thing. For comparison, it can be seen that Domino’s takes the cake when dealing with product quality, price competitiveness, and advertising especially in the recent years as they have re-launched and revamped their entire recipe and product quality, advertising, marketing, and offering great pricing that are mostly the best deals around. They have owned up to the past disappointments and issues and have completely redone itself entirely for the consumers. By using quality ingredients and constructing their marketing to where the consumers drive their commercials and advertising they have definitely surpassed the other surviving pizza chains. Pizza Hut and Papa John’s comes in a close second to product quality as they are fresh and quality products. Pizza Hut ranks higher than Papa John’s for price competitiveness because as a group we see more Dominos and Pizza Hut deals versus seeing any type of Papa John’s coupons. Also, Papa John’s is priced fairly higher than either Pizza Hut or Dominos. Advertising, however, proves a minor weakness for Pizza Hut as very rarely do you see Pizza Hut commercials in comparison to Dominos and Pap Johns. c. Strengths iii. Pizza Hut is the leader in global expansion and correctly identifies its target market. The company will want to keep this apart of their strengths to keep up and always be a step ahead in these aspects. This will then ensure accessibility which is an important factor for generating revenues and thus creating a loyal customer base. d. Concerns iv. Some areas that Pizza Hut was rated lower than the other two competitors besides the ones addressed above is the organic foods factor. Many people want organic pizzas and the only chain coming close is Papa John’s which uses quality ingredients, some of which either local or organic. Although it does not seem like a huge deal in the present, eventually more and more consumers will be looking for this and have nowhere to turn but the company who falls close to the mark.
Monday, September 16, 2019
A Journey: Analisys
A Journey A Life is all abort accepting how our lives have turned out. Sometimes life makes us wonder whether we have made the right decisions or not. All the decisions life throws at us is only to make us stronger as a person. After we have made a big decision all of us come do doubt whether we have chosen the right thing to do. This mental journey of self-assessment is what the protagonist, Mary, experiences in the short story â€Å"A Journey†by Colm Toibin from 2006 Mary has had a hard life, she has seen how hard can be, she has a clinically depressed son, and a paralyzed husband and during the long drive back from the hospital whith her son in the back seat, she think about how her life has turned out to be. The story is told by a limited third person narrator, and seen from the mother, Mary’s point of view. By observing Mary’s thoughts, it becomes easy to see how much her choices in life has meant to her and how much she still think about them. Especially when it comes to the son’s diseases – it is something she is very concerned with. Her main concern is whether she and her husband had something to do with his condition. â€Å"Were they to blame, she and Seamus, and in what way, for the fact that their twenty-year-old son whom she was driving home from the hospital had spent the last seven months there suffering from silence, as she called it; the doctors called it depression†[1] Mary searches her memory to find answers to the many questions she had build op in her mind though the years. Through a number of flashbacks she is trying to find some clues as to what could be the cause of her and David's condition. It is questions like whether Mary and Seamus perhaps gas spent to little time at home while Mrs. Redmond babysat David, and whether hey should not have sold the old shop. Mary and Davis’s relationship is tens; Mary is trying to break the ice between them by asking David for a cigarette. The relationship between them develops throughout the journey from the hospital. Even though Mary has made some wrong decisions in life, she does not complain about it, but she tries to repair her relationship with her son. Mary is stopped in her life as she stops the car, and she is now trying to change things, starting with the relationship with his son. This goes hand in hand with the poem Lucinda Matlock by Edgar Lee Masters' from 1916. In the poem the speaker also talks about how she has lived her life, and how there has been good times and bad times. She has enjoyed her life, but she has still lost eight of her twelve children. Lucinda argues that you have to take charge of your life and take the good times with the bad. As she finishes her poem, â€Å"it takes life to love life†[2] When she decides to stop the car, she finally makes a breakthrough in their communication. Mary is not only using this mental journey to think about her son, but also about her life with her husband, whom she thought she knew. Once again she thinks back on her life with Seamus and thinks about all the happy times they had together. Seamus is much like David, he does not give her any attention. The thoughts Mary deals with in regards to her son and husband are very well illustrated in Andrew Sean Greer's The Story of a Marriage from 2008. â€Å"We think we know the ones we love [†¦] But what we love turns out to be a poor translation a translation we ourselves have made, from a language we barely know†[3] She feels that they ignore her and do not appreciate her, not only by her by husband, but also by her son. Mary is moving one step closer to taking her fate into her own hands. Finally it dawns on Mary, that no matter how many downs you have in life, it will still be her life. And when her life has not come to an end yet, she is forced to take her life into her own hands and decide whether she will live life with two people who do not show their love for her or whether she will take a decision to live a life alone. We as readers do not know the ultimate ending to the short story, as it is an open ending. It is up to the reader to decide how it should end. B Flashback is one way for the author to tell whether an episode has happened in the past that has significance for the present. It gives us as readers a better understanding of why Mary thinks like she does. The flashbacks in â€Å"A Journey†are not very long, but despite that they give away a lot of information. Some of Mary’s flashback shows a life with happiness, but some of them do also show a life with difficultness. The first flashback, we get in the short story is when you get an insight into David's childhood from Mary's point of view. Because we see it from Mary's point of view we need to make our own impressions. The flashbacks deals with the important things in her life, most of them are a contrast to how her life has become. The Flashback is about her dead mother in her father's old shop, the rather pleasant experience of taking care of here father on his deathbed, and joyous occasions with her son and husband. Some of the flashback shows a life with happiness, but some of them do also show a life with difficultness. An example of a one of the positive flashback could be when she imagined the time where her father bought a house to her and Seamus. This flashback shows us that she had a wonderful life with Seamus before he got sick â€Å"She pictured as well their first sighting of the old two-story house beside the school that her father had bought for them when they got married. She remembered the atmosphere inside the house the day they went to look at it [†¦]†[4] All the flashback, we get in the story come on the trip home from the hospital with her son. She sees herself in him and want him to get out of his little shell, so he can experience the wonderful world we actually live in. She knows how it feels to live a hard life. She got over her mother's death, so he need to get over his father's illness – If it is the reason why he is so mentally closed. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] P. 1 L 30-33 [2] p 6 l. 22 Text 2 [3] P 7. L 1-3 text 3 [4] P 2. L 55
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Disaster in Franklin County
Disaster in Franklin County Jennifer Wadsworth Western Governors University Disaster in Franklin County Role of Major Public Health Personnel The roles of major public health personnel must be delegated properly in a disaster situation in order to facilitate effective action. In the incident presented, a chain of command was established and assignments given to the appropriate personnel based on their skills and experience. As a whole, this group reports to the Incident Commander, an individual that is responsible for managing the entire disaster operation and various teams involved in every level of disaster management.In the first few hours following a disaster there are many things that need to be addressed. In the scenario presented, one of the initial messages that must be presented is water safety. Informing the public on the rationale of why their water is unsafe is important in helping them understand the necessity of boiling it before use to prevent illness. Also informing t hem of where they can obtain a safe water supply is crucial.The availability of temporary shelters and housing is also important in the first hours and days following the storm since many people may have had to leave their homes due to flooding, loss of power, or structural damage. Making sure citizens understand the dangers posed by downed power lines and the steps they should take when encountering them is a health issue as well. Proper food storage and handling is also critical when there is a lack of power in many homes. Knowing how long food will last in an inoperable refrigerator or freezer will help prevent foodborne illness.Other messages of importance in the weeks to follow include the topic of mold. While it may not be of the utmost importance initially, residents who have experienced flooding in their homes must be made aware of how to identify the source of the problem and how to treat and remove it in order to prevent any health risks associated with mold. Public health officials must assist in assessing shelter sites to ensure proper food handling, storage, and preparation. Ample and sanitary bathroom facilities must be assessed in order to arrange for additional portable services to be brought in if necessary. The living onditions that exist in the shelter must also be assessed in order to ensure individual privacy and personal safety. Tetanus was a concern for some citizens and the public health officials alerted area immunization clinics to who may be at risk for developing the illness as well as recommendations for vaccination by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Safety of area restaurants and their ability to reopen came into question after the storm and public health officials, in cooperation with adjoining counties, worked to address the issue in a timely fashion in order to restore a sense of normalcy to the community.They must all be inspected to ensure that all public health guidelines are being followed and that the establishment is structurally sound. Providing culturally competent educational materials to members of the community, including those that may not speak English, is important and would potentially address the clean-up of hazardous materials, downed limbs, and trees as well as proper treatment of private wells. In the scenario members of the public health team joined other emergency workers in assisting those residents that may be cut off from supplies due to flooding in their area.Public health nurses assisted in door-to-door interview with those residents to address immediate health concerns or injuries that may have occurred as a result of the storm, as well as the availability of basic supplies. Basic physical assessments may be necessary in some situations. The nurse can address medication and medical equipment supplies, and the ability to use medical equipment such as nebulizers and oxygen concentrators.A lack of power would leave people with certain health conditions at risk of major health complications. Evacuation to temporary housing or shelters may be a better alternative for some, especially those requiring dialysis or chemotherapy, and the public health nurse could assist in arranging it. The public health nurse was able to help coordinate the delivery of necessary medications to those in short supply, enabling the patient to remain in their home for the time being.Safe food and water supplies would need to be addressed with homeowners. Information regarding the safe storage, handling, and preparation of food without power is a topic of concern. Inquiring as to any structural damage or flooding in people’s homes would allow the opportunity to provide helpful information pertaining to temporary housing, the need to boil water, and general personal safety. The public health nurse should also be available as residents return to their homes after flood waters have subsided.She can provide basic health information to those with questions or con cerns. In conjunction with other public health officials, the nurse can assist in providing information regarding proper clean up, disposal of hazardous waste, mold, and the safety of food that remained in the home while the residents were in shelters. Public health officials, including the public health nurse, should be present at any informational meetings held for the public.They would be excellent resources for citizens that have questions regarding matters of health and safety and could supply written information for a variety of concerns, such as water and food safety, disease outbreaks as a result of the storm, and general health information including immunizations. Mental health issues may also arise as a result of the disaster and proving information on resources, as well as referrals, may be necessary. The Chain of Command The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Commander is the individual responsible for the entire disaster recovery.The Medical/Health Branch Director, in co njunction with the entire public health group, would report to the Commander and the EOC team regarding pertinent health issues that may arise. Those issues may require immediate action, or may be something that could arise during and after the clean-up from the storm. The public health group is a system unto itself known as the Incident Command System. The Deputy Director served as the Incident Commander and the remainder of the system was made up of individuals from the local health department.The lead role of Operations Section Chief is responsible for developing and implementing a plan, as well as ways in which to achieve the goals they establish. All other members of the Public Health Incident Command System will report to the Chief. The Operations Chief will also help to organize, assign, and supervise other outside resources necessary for the success of the plan. Other roles that the Operations Chief assigns to members of the department include: Public Information Officer, Fi nance/Administration Chief, Planning Chief, Liaison Officer, and Logistics Chief.The Public Information Officer is responsible for providing appropriate public health information pertinent to the disaster. They will be the media contact and will ensure that important information reaches the public in a timely manner to limit the risk of new health issues. They will also educate fellow public health staff so that they are able to act as a cohesive group with a consistent message. The Finance/Administration Chief will have an accounting background and will deal with any financial aspects that arise, such as payroll of employees and contracted workers brought on board specifically due to the storm.The Planning Chief will be the point of contact for all information that is released to the public regarding the disaster. The documentation they provide will be written in the languages necessary to ensure everyone affected by the disaster is informed. The Liaison Officer is the point of con tact for outside resources, providing information and answering any questions they may have regarding the disaster or services needed. The Logistics Chief acquires things that Operations needs to get the job done such as space, supplies and equipment.The Community Health Nurse would report to the Incident Commander and the members of the Incident Command System. Resources Available to the Community Health Nurse Throughout the disaster recovery, the community health nurse would certainly encounter situations that were beyond her scope of practice. There are many resources available to her and she would best serve her clients by utilizing the individuals from the Incident Command System. They would be able to put her in contact with people from mental health services to home repair.The Logistics Chief would be an excellent resource in obtaining help from outside sources for sites for shelters, equipment and supplies. The Planning Chief would be a helpful resource in gathering and dist ributing culturally appropriate information to people who may speak a different language. Should the nurse not know who to go to regarding a specific need, she could go to the Incident Commander who would provide her with the necessary contacts. Social Services, Environmental Health employees, and independent contractors are only a few of the outside sources the public health nurse may be able to utilize.Actions of the Community Health Nurse During door-to-door interviews following the storm, the community health nurse came across several situations that required immediate attention. In one instance, a homeowner had flooding in his basement and a chemical spill in his garage. The nurse had an environmental health specialist advise the homeowner on how to clean up the spill. She also made certain the homeowner was given information on mold and the best methods for cleaning his basement once the flood waters subsided. Another homeowner was overwhelmed with the entire situation.She was immediately responsible for her mother-in-law, her baby, and her household. The nurse would be able to utilize several services in this situation. Providing basic provisions would allow the family to stay in the home should they wish to do so, however, a stay in a shelter would benefit everyone in the immediate situation given that they had lost electrical service. A social services consult would be beneficial to the family in the coming weeks if the mother-in-law remained in the home. At another residence, the client did not speak English and the nurse did not speak Spanish.Therefore, she communicated through the son and was able to provide instruction on proper and safe use of a generator indoors. She also made certain to have information on proper food storage, handling, and preparation as well as generator use that was in English and Spanish, delivered back to the home with the accompaniment of an interpreter. At the home of another citizen the nurse discovered someone who was in need of blood pressure medication. The nurse assessed the man’s condition and, with the clients input, determined that the best solution was to arrange for evacuation to a shelter.Coping with the Aftermath The community health nurse utilized several techniques to calm the fears of the people interviewed following the disaster. One of the main things that she did was to listen to them. When people had very specific concerns it was reassuring that someone was there to help. The ability to utilize resources to address their needs was of great help in reducing the anxiety level of those involved. The nurse also included each client in the decision making process regarding their individual situation.Providing them with options and then discussing with them the benefits of choosing one over another allowed them to feel in control of their own situation. When disaster strikes, there is often a feeling of helplessness that overcomes people. The ability to choose for themselves giv es back a sense of control and self-confidence. The nurse also made certain that things that required follow-up were completed. She made certain that information regarding food safety, mold, and hazardous material clean-up was disseminated to those returning to their homes.She was also available to answer questions, on location as well as at community meetings. Techniques The community health nurse used several techniques to help calm the fears of her clients. She was calm and attentive to their needs. In situations of crisis, many people simply need someone to listen to their concerns. She made herself available to do so. She was informative and provided them with pertinent information to help them manage their day to day needs in the aftermath of the storm.She addressed issues that some of the people had not considered and assisted them in coming to their own conclusions regarding their situations. Preparation for Disasters Community health nurses could help prepare themselves for such a situation by participating in mock disaster drills. Many cities have such programs, and becoming even more involved and helping to organize such an event would be an excellent way of learning how to respond to the immediate needs of patients when faced with an emergency situation.The nurse is responsible for continuing education that includes emergency response and all public health nurses should be held accountable for maintaining those continuing education credits. Another way of preparing for such an emergency would be to research past situations to learn about the challenges that the health care professionals faced. Understanding what the needs are is the first step in preparing for a natural or man-made disaster.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Legalization of Marijuana outline and speech Essay
Marijuana has always been an issue in our country’s history. However, today, it has gained more attention than it has in the recent decades. People were raised and taught since their early years that this plant brings nothing but trouble to your life if you consume it, for any reason. However, marijuana isn’t as bad as we were all taught that it was. Legalizing marijuana can actually bring many benefits to many groups in today’s society. It’s actually not that bad of a plant once you get to know it a little better. Legalizing marijuana can benefit the American government in a few different ways. One way that it could benefit the government is by selling it and taxing it. Alcohol and tobacco, though known as two drugs that can cause harm to you, still sell and bring in a lot of federal and state tax revenue, regardless of how high taxes are placed on these products. The size of the marijuana market, though illegal, is still very huge and very profitable. If the government were to legalize marijuana, it could bring approximately up to $8.7 billion in federal and state revenue. This could help the government tremendously. This much money can be used for a lot of different things. One thing that this money can help improve is education. For example, in the state of Colorado, it is said that the state has already gained $10 million in taxes from retail stores in the first 4 months. They said that the first $40 million that they gained in taxes from these â€Å"pot†retailers would be used in their education system and infrastructure, as well as educational campaigns about substance use. This money can be used to purchase new books, technology, equipment, etc., that could be useful to students and teachers in public schools. With a new industry and legal market going on, it could also help create more jobs. In Colorado, more than 10,000 jobs have been created since January of 2014. Many people that were unemployed have now been able to get a job in the marijuana industry, whether it be in distribution, trimming the plants, packaging, petitioning, educating, advertising, and so much more. Marijuana can also bring many health benefits to those who are in need of its â€Å"super high powers.†One disease that it can help treat or prevent is glaucoma. Glaucoma starts when pressure in the eyeball increases, damaging an optic nerve and causes the loss of vision. So, how does marijuana help exactly? Well, according to researchers, marijuana helps reduce the pressure in eye. It has been said that it lowers the pressure in the eyes of people with normal vision and even in people who have glaucoma. Marijuana can also help control epileptic seizures. Marijuana contains a chemical that many people know as THC. THC can help control seizures that are not responsive to other treatments taken to control them. It has been tested with animals and proven to reduce seizures in epileptic rats. There are epileptic people who actually consume marijuana and believe that it help to control their seizures, saying that it helps to regulate their relaxation. One important disease that marijuana may be able to treat is cancer. A chemical in marijuana knows as CBD is believed to stop the spread of cancer by turning of a gene that helps produce cancer cells. Some studies even show that some compounds in marijuana could even actually kill cancer cells. There are studies where people with cancer consume marijuana and believe that it reduces the size of their tumors. Legalizing marijuana can also help reduce crime rates and spending money on crimes related to marijuana. The United States government spends a lot of money on prisoners, approximately $68 billion a year. It is said that about one-third of the prisoners are incarcerated for nonviolent drug related crimes. This means that legalizing marijuana could help save $11.3 billion from spending on imprisonments. That can help the government save a lot of money and maybe reduce the deficit. According to researchers, it is also believed that legalizing pot could reduce crime rates. Since the legalization in Colorado, about 10.1% of crime has decreased, and a 6.9% decrease in violent crimes. These crimes involve homicides, burglaries, and sexual assaults. Property crime rates have dropped about 11.1%, involving burglary, larceny, auto theft, and thefts from motor vehicles. Legalization of marijuana could also help reduce the number of traffic deaths. According to some economists’ studies, states that have legalized the use of medical marijuana have dropped 9% in fatal car wrecks, which means that there was a decline in drunk driving. This proves that driving high is so much safer than driving drunk. Many people will continue to believe that marijuana is worse than alcohol or tobacco and believe that it will bring nothing but bad things to people who consume it. However, there are facts and studies that prove that legalizing marijuana could bring various amounts of benefits to many people. Like I said, it’s not that bad once you get to know the plant a little better. Remember, don’t knock it until you try it.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Bio-ecological systems theory
Bio-ecological systems theory Abstract This paper is about the Bio-Ecological Systems theory of Urie Bronfenbrenner. Bronfenbrenners’s Bio-Ecological Systems Theory concerns the environmental influences on a child’s development. He observed that these influences were comprised of relationships around the child and these relationships have layers of interaction between the child’s and the child’s environment. He called these layers ‘systems’. These events start with direct influence on the student and progress outward until the events have only minimal, indirect influence. Next it will discuss a minority population which is deafness. There are two main forms of hearing loss and five levels of severity. After the child’s hearing loss is identified the parents need to choose what technology they want their child to use. The next obstacle for parents is how and where to educate their child. Then it will discuss how the theory applies to a particular student of this min ority population. And lastly it will discuss the educational considerations and recommendations revealed from applying the theory to this student. It will also consider which educational theorists apply to this student. By considering the student more holistically, rather than only what happens presently in the classroom, it will help the instructor develop a teaching plan for this student to maximize his learning potential. Bronfenbrenner’s Bio- Ecological Systems Theory: As Applied to a Deaf Student Bronfenbrenners’s Bio-Ecological Systems Theory concerns the environmental influences on a child’s development. He observed that these influences were comprised of relationships around the child and these relationships have layers of interaction between the child’s and the child’s environment. He called these layers ‘systems’ and they consisted of five different levels of influence. These events start with direct influence on the student and progress outward until the events have only minimal, indirect influence. The five systems that were recognized by Bronfenbrenner are as follows: 1. Microsystems- the immediate environment of the child which has the most impact on the child’s development, for example the relationship between the child and his parents, the child and his peers, or the child and his school. 2. Mesosytems- the connections between the microsystems, where the systems overlap, these also have a direct impact on the child’s development; for example, the interaction between the child’s peers and the child’s parent or the interaction between the child’s parents and the child’s school. 3. Exosystems- the next level of events in the environment are further from the child but nevertheless have impact on the child’s development; for example, problems with the parents’ work (indirect events) which causes tension in the home (direct event) 4. Macrosystems- the larger cultural environment that the family lives in; for example the economy of the area the family lives which contributes to the work opportunities for the parents 5. Chronosystems- the transitional events in the child’s life as he grows up; for example the changes incurred by moving from middle school to high school. The â€Å"otheredness†of my student is deafness. I believe deafness is a minority condition because the â€Å"National Center for Health Statistics places the number of profoundly deaf in the U.S. at more than 400,000, while people classified as hard-of-hearing number over 20 million, or about 8 percent of the total population†. (Bacon, 2002) Even though deafness has received some attention through television shows and movies, there are still many misconceptions about deaf people and their social and educational needs.
Business Plan for Online Portal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Plan for Online Portal - Essay Example It can be an individual or a group who wants the costume urgently and also the exact type for the theatrical portion. Ireland being a culturally active country, the need for quick access to the costumes either to buy or rent will always be required desperately. There are tremendous amount of requirement for quality costumes and of varied price ranges. There are numerous websites which will give you lot of options to purchase, rent or sell the costumes but it does not meet the need of each and every person. Either the prices are too high or the exact type of clothing is not available. In such cases what are your options' In fact there is none. The idea of this portal is to bridge the gap between the consumer and the vendor. There are many such vendors who are willing to perform online trade and as a matter of fact the count is quite large. All one needs is a common platform to trade. The business model is unique and one of a kind. Though this form of business is not unknown to the people, yet its usage in the costumes industry has never been thought of before. The idea of this paper is to look into the business perspective of the portal and analyse its various aspects, like SWOT, research methodologies and the analysis part which will provide the readers a proper overview of the viability of this project. The needs of costumes are required not only in Ireland but all over Europe, which is rich in cultural activities and hence the prospect lies in addressing such a need across Europe. However, initially the idea is to concentrate only in Ireland and that too in the field of costumes. Once the business has stabilized the other areas of theatre and drama will be taken into account also considering the prospect of spreading it against the other countries of Europe. The areas which are thought of are props, sets and theatre professionals. The basic idea or the USP of the business will remain the same. A common platform to rent, sell or buy the services as and when required. Also the prospect of identifying a large number of clients and vendors under the same roof is one of the USP for the business. 2. Literature Review There are quite a few websites which at present deal with the exchange, sell and buy of such costumes and other related services and products. There are costumes which are available for diverse range of occasions. These include the costumes required for television, film, Halloween, medieval or children's costumes. The modus operandi for such websites or online portals is relatively simpler. They have a few set suppliers or themselves are the agents of such products and services. In such case the stock is limited and the availability cannot be judged
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1875) Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Dred Scott v. Sandford (1875) - Term Paper Example This case was and has still remained to be one of the most significant cases that were ever heard in the US Supreme Court: hence, my reason for choosing it. Specifically, this case through its outcome that was controversial led to the civil war outbreak between the northern and southern American states (Konig, Finkelman & Bracey, 2010). The main subject matter in this case is noisy historical and constitutional debates that led to the outbreak of American Civil War and which also propelled Abraham Lincoln to White House as the President of America. His outright opposition of the ruling of the Supreme Court, which galvanized the abolition movement, spurred the resurgence of his political career. Additionally, this case outline the concept of citizenship as being essential in attaining certain matters such suing in a court of law (Greenberg, 2010). For instance, among the reasons why Scott’s case was dropped in the Missouri courts was that him and other slaves were not US citize ns, and as such, could not file petitions in court or sue in any form. In reality, the court acknowledged that slaves could be moved from one state to another without any objection from them. In choosing this case, I have also incorporated another key aspect or question used to define the case, which was whether an African American such as Dred Scott could be part of a political community/movement created by the US citizens in terms of membership (Herda, 2011). While Dred Scott did not out rightly win his freedom through the American court systems, the valiant fight he put up, with the help of his family, friends and lawyers led to the emergence of the Civil War that eventually brought an end to slavery. I find this aspect quite essential and which one can learn from with regards to defining the history of the civil war. Summary of Sources The following articles obtained from the State Historical Society of Missouri have been used in support of this case analysis. 1. Ehrlich, Walter . â€Å"Was the Dred Scott Case Valid?†v. 63, no. 3 (April 1969), pp. 317-328. In this article, the author seeks to redefine the concepts of the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford by unwrapping one of the most dodgy questions have had in their minds: was the case valid? In this article, Ehrlich seeks to determine the case’s genuineness by noting that in delivering the ruling, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney might have taken sides so as to bring a ruling against or for slavery. However, he notes that this was immediately contended with some people disagreeing and regarding the ruling as fictitious. Since these allegations could not be overruled, Ehrlich in this article seeks to verify the same on whether there were any political inspirations behind the oppositions (Ehrlich, 1969). 2. Dred Scott v. Sandford" Great Events from History: North American Series Ed. Frank Northen Magill and John L. Loos. Salem Press, Inc. 1997 6 Nov, 2013 -scott-v-sandford/reference#reference-dred-scott-v-sandford-483926 In this article, the theme concept is to outline the ruling by the Supreme Court in application that the Congress cannot limit slavery into the territories originally recognized for the same. This article brings into limelight the political repercussions that originated from the initial Supreme Court ruling. By not limiting slavery territories, the Supreme Court
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3
Strategic Management - Essay Example Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation is a company that is leading globally in manufacturing and sales, in the automobile industry. Its main aim is to make better cars and be able to contribute to the society at large. Toyota Motor Corporations is committed to considering the customer first by manufacturing vehicles that are of high quality and those that are of affordable price (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2009). Toyota Motor Corporations believe in a bigger and brighter automobile future. Their main objective is to try and understand the customers’ needs and be able to provide services and products according to these desires. Therefore, Toyota motor corporations is endeavored to pursue the right way forward, to be able to further their growth and make each stakeholder happy and satisfied(Toyota Motors Corporation, 2009). Internal analysis and SWOT Toyota Motor Corporation is termed as the largest manufacturing company of cars by production and sales in the automobi le industry (Schmitt, 2010). It is also the largest manufacturing company in the US, and it is currently operating under five principles, which include; challenge, Kaizen, GenchiGenbutsu, respect, and teamwork (Toyota way, 2001). Despite all these, the Toyota Corporation is faced with strengths, weaknesses, threats, and tries to create opportunities to better their company, like any other in the world. Some of the strengths in the motor corporation include; being able to develop vehicles through innovative technology, and this has been achieved through putting more emphasis on the technological development, healthy corporate environment in which people are able to work and be taught at the same time. This is generalized as working together (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2009). Another strength, is that of tight integration of its group companies and this has helped them to contribute a lot on the economic growth of the nation, and are able to be the pioneers of the creation of a domesti c automobile industry, they are also able to penetrate through the well-known markets including; (Japan, north America and US) (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2009). Apart from the strengths, Toyota Motor Corporation is experiencing some weaknesses within its industry and these include; criticism over large scale recall in 2005, the company was blamed for producing low quality products that lacked innovations. This criticism encouraged them to focus more on designing more innovative cars so as to cater for the customers’ needs. They have gone ahead to make the latest models of primus and hybrid cars, keeping in mind the customers’ satisfaction (Takahashi, 2010). According to Armstrong and Kotler (2002), to be able to manufacture products that are of high quality with stable prices without putting pressure on the competitors will earn the company, a customer’s loyalty, and this is evident in Toyota Motor Corporation. Toyota Motor Corporation is also faced with the wea kness of foreign importation by the Japanese industry, and the company has strived to conquer this problem by producing low priced products in exchange of high quality products (Toyota Motor Corporation, 2009). Toyota Motor Corporation is also faced with the problem of global inefficiency; this means that it is only offering its brands to Japan and US while other competitors offer their brands globally. Therefore, to be able to curb this problem the Toyota Motor Corpo
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