Saturday, August 31, 2019
Experience hyperthermia Essay
Marian suffered from a heat stroke causing her body to experience hyperthermia. Marian body went through the process of homeostasis from experiencing hyperthermia. â€Å"Homeostasis is a state of body equilibrium or stable internal environment of the body.†(Marieb 8) Homeostasis protects the body by allowing it to adapt to the environment. Marian homeostasis tried to cool the body but failed. Though Marian was lucky her daughter found her in time. When a heat stroke occurs the body’s homeostasis shuts down where the temperature can reach high enough to cause brain damage to where you die. Heat strokes can cause damage internally well as externally. Hyperthermia causes a positive feedback mechanism within the body. â€Å"A positive feedback mechanism is a feedback that tends to cause the level of variable to change in the same direction as an initial change.†( Marieb 9) When the body stimulus rises the hypothalamus’s thermoreceptors start to work as the bod y’s thermostat. The thermoreceptors send messages allowing the hypothalamus to make temperature changes in the core. When the core starts to raise the heat loss mechanism starts one or two things: â€Å"dilation of cutaneous blood vessels or enhanced sweating.†(Marieb 833) â€Å"Dilation of cutaneous blood vessels is where the vessels swell with warm blood, heat is lost from the radiation, conduction, and convection†(Marieb 833) Some symptoms for a heat stroke are â€Å"throbbing headache, dizziness and light-headedness, lack of sweating despite the heat, red hot skin, muscle weakness or cramps, nausea and vomiting, rapid heartbeat, which may either strong or weak, rapid shallow breathing, behavioral changes such as confusion, disorientation or staggering, seizures, and unconsciousness.†( The treatments of methodologies for hyperthermia that were used in this case study was to apply cold wash cloth to forehead and face, position in front of a fan while using a spray bottle with water on her skin. Applying a cold wash cloth to face and forehead allows the body to drop in temperature. Positioning the body in front of a fan allows cooling. Spraying water allows hydration to the dehydrated skin. Hyperthermia is, also, used for cancer patients. â€Å"Hyperthermia treatment heats body tissues to 113 degrees Fahrenheit to damage and destroy cancer cells while leaving healthy tissue unharmed.†( can happen very easily. People need to wear sun screen, lose fitting of clothing to cover the skin. Eat small portions; drink plenty of fluids but not alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates the body. Watch the weather to see if a heat advisory is in effect. Make sure not to do hard exercise work out during hot days. Talk to your primary doctor to see if your medications or your disease(s) can be effected by the sun. In this case though, Marian suffered from a heat stroke due to being in a house with no windows open. Hyperthermia is more harmful to infants or small children, elderly, overweight, people who are ill or medications. Small children or infants depend on others to protect them. They are defenseless in the sense when it comes to staying out of the sun, sunscreen, and hydration. The elderly may not feel heat stress. Elderly for the most part don’t response or sense to the change in climate. People who have diabetes tend to have poor circulation. Poor circulation is dangerous during heat waves because the blood needs to flow throughout the body to cool itself. So having poor circulation already would mean the body would trouble pumping blood faster to cool the body, thus, causing a heat stroke. People who are overweight retain more body heat than skinny people. When having more body heat it causes heat stress. Heat stress leads to a heat stroke. People who work out can over do it and experience dehydration. Dehydration can cause heat stress. People who have heart disease or high blood pressure are at risk because when the body is trying to the cool its self the heart has to pump in a faster pace causing the heart rate and blood pressure to go up. This is not good because it causes these people more stress on the heart. People on other medications have to be careful because the sun can cause increase or decreases in the function of the body which the medications are already trying to control without the factor of the sun. How a medical personal treat hyperthermia is very carefully. The body can be damage either by the tissue, brain, and /or body organs or maybe all three are damaged. The first thing is to check the people’s vitals to see if they are stable. Second, a physical assessment can be done to look over the skin.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Bromination of trans-cinnamic acid Essay
Abstract The bromination of trans-cinnamic acid was completed to determine dibromide’s stereochemical structure and its mechanism. After the addition of bromine to trans-cinnamic acid, the product was identified by its melting point and infrared spectrum resulting in erythro-2,3-Dibromo-3-phenylpropanoic acid after comparing similar properties. Introduction In this lab, the bromination of trans-cinnamic acid was completed to determine dibromide’s stereochemical structure, and from there determine whether the reaction is carried out by the usual bromonium ion mechanism or a different mechanism. This is important in the determination of dibromide’s stereochemical structure, as a mechanism can be affected by changing a reactant’s structure. Cinnamic acid was used in this lab because as a naturally occurring compound, it has many different uses. It is used as a flavoring, in perfumes, and is a source to a large number of other natural substances. Cinnamic acid is helpful in providing flowers with their bright colors, butterflies with their colorful wings, and gives fall leaves their distinguishable color. These examples reveal the day-to-day uses of cinnamic acid, and shows that the addition of bromide to this particular acid is nothing extremely complex or an uncommon chemical compound, it is easily obtainable. After the addition of bromine to trans-cinnamic acid, the product is identified by its melting point and infrared spectrum. The product could be erythro-dibromo, threo-dibromo, or a combination of both. Although obtaining a product consisting of both erythro and threo is possible, it results in an impure substance with a broad melting point range that contrasts pure dibromide. These particular compounds of erythro and threo are named as such to distinguish their two chiral centers, but no plane of symmetry. Both of these compounds are derived from simple sugars, erythrose and threose (Figure 1). Figure 1. Structures of Erythro and Threo Products Compared to Erythrose and Threose After completing the addition of bromine ion acetic acid to a solution of trans-cinnamic acid in the same solvent, the product that is obtained can be identified by comparing the properties of erythro-2,3-Dibromo-3-phenylpropanoic acid and threo-2,3-Dibromo-3-phenylpropanoic acid. Results and Discussion Melting Point: The melting point was determined to be 202 °C, which is extremely close to the literature value of erythro-2,3-Dibromo-3-phenylpropanoic acid, 204 °C. This is the first indicator that the product obtained possess a stereochemical structure resembling erythro-2,3-Dibromo-3-phenylpropanoic acid. Infrared Spectrum: The Infrared Spectrum’s collected from the starting material and the product look almost identical, with functional groups C=O(1700 cm-1), O-H(3300-2600 cm-1), and C=C (1680-1640 cm-1) present. Mechanisms: Although a variety of mechanisms can be suggested for the addition of bromine to an alkene, the addition of bromine to the C = C in our final product illustrates an anti-addition. Experimental The reaction was done in the fume hood with proper safety gloves on throughout the entire experiment. 10.0 mmol of trans-cinnamic acid was combined with 6.0 mL of glacial acetic acid with a stirbar in a 50 mL round-bottom flask. The round-bottom flask was placed on a magnetic stirrer with a separatory funnel over the flask with the stopcock closed. 8.2 Ml of 1.25 M solution of bromine in acetic acid was poured into the separatory funnel and stoppered immediately. After starting the stirrer, the bromine/acetic acid solution was added in 5 portions once the color had faded to a light orange, about every 6 minutes, totaling 30 minutes for this process. Once the last addition of the bromine solution was added, the reaction stirred at 50 °C for 15 minutes. At the end of the 15 minutes, cyclohexenes were added drop wise while the stirring continued until the solution was colorless. To separate, the mixture was cooled in ice water until crystallization was observed. Through vacuum filt ration, the solid product was collected and rinsed with portions of ice cold water until the odor derived from the acetic acid had disappeared. The 2.3-dibromo-3-phenylpropanoic acid was dried in order to measure its melting point. References 1 Experiment is a modified version of an experiment found in: Lehman, J.W. Operational Organic Chemistry: a problem-solving approach to the laboratory course, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 1999. 2 3.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
A Summary on Perseverance
I know many people who persevered in their life. If you look at their biography you will see that they were very successful because they never give up. Many people don’t have that much confident in them so they give up so easily. Well I also persevered in my life. I didn’t give up at that time I wanted to give up but I was brave enough not to give up. our greatest glory is not in never failing but, in raising up every time we fail by Ralph Emerson. â€Å"Fall seven times stand up eight†this quote stands for perseverance and as well as for Mr. Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Lincoln persevered by â€Å"NEVER GIVING UP†. Mr. Lincoln went through many troubles in his life but he persevered and become the 16th president of the United States of America. Mr. Lincoln’s life went through like this. In 1831 he failed in business but he didn’t give u and tried again bidding for congress in 1843 but unfortunately he lost his bid for congress. In 1855 he tried again for the run of senate but he lost the run. Still he didn’t give up later in 1856 he got elected for vice president but unluckily he got defeated for Vice President. Well because Mr. Lincoln persevered in his life so in 1860 Mr. Abraham Lincoln became the 16th president of the United States. Mr. Lincoln was confident enough not to give up because he knew that one day he will success in his life and he did. He was brave and he had â€Å"STRONG Belief†. I also persevered in my life. I tried and tried until I reached my goal. When I came to us the first time I knew enough English to understand the teacher and work well but it was hard for me to adjust in a different in a different lifestyle well somehow I tried but failed. I didn’t felt like trying again but my mom encouraged me to try and try hard until I reach my goal. My mom was my strength. I tried and tried hard to adjust in U. S and after one year I adjusted and I felt like I’m here since I was born. This showed that â€Å"I never gave up†I reached my goal by trying over and over again. Every single person in this world went through many up’s and down’s in their lives but many fought and succeed but many gave up. â€Å"Just because you fail once in life doesn’t mean you will fail every time†. â€Å"As long as you persevere and endure, we can get whatever we want†. You should never give up in life like Mr. Abraham Lincoln and I didn’t gave up until we got what we wanted. So if you persevere in your life you will get it done soon. what I prefer is never give up in life. we all learn from over mistakes, so learn from your mistakes and go on try it again.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
3D Computer Graphics in Contemporary Media Essay
3D Computer Graphics in Contemporary Media - Essay Example The modern society has established measures to be applied in presenting current affairs and in the completion of duties. Technology has witnessed vast involvement in the presentation of data and found development in the entertainment system. Computer graphics has been developed to serve as the link to create images that can be stage-managed to give the impression of realism in nature. The technology has managed to support developmental projects within the society to accord an identity to complex structures to be manipulated in a known dimension. Three-dimensional graphics has been used vastly on the entertainment system with games developed, to depict the illusion of real life forms that are capable of being structured in the desired manner. Apart from video games, the manipulation of forms in the technology has been extended to the media in movies and analyses by crime experts who have been accorded the opportunity apply the invented tools. Computer graphic software has been manipul ated into variable forms in mobile forms and miniature gadgets that would aid develop the communication society. The media presents valuable ventures and dimensions and should be considered as a key presentation in generating awareness. The application of 3D graphics on variable ventures in the media and entertainment form has promised to deliver an incentive into a dimension that issues clarity and keen observation of forms. The media, in particular, has boasted on the developments presented in the graphic technology with the leading measure applied in creating a display that fulfills the audience’s desire.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Gun Control Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Gun Control - Research Paper Example As is but natural and expected in any vibrant democracy, the issue of gun control has attracted much assertions for and against it. If on the one side there are people and groups who support the constitutional right to bear arms, claiming that the common citizens do need guns to protect themselves and their loved ones from crime, on the other side there are citizens who vouch for stricter gun laws, as they assert that guns give way to much crime and violence in the society (Kleiman 148). Both the sides extend such arguments in their support that sound pragmatic and viable. In an academic context, it would be really informative and interesting to delve on the varied arguments extended by people on both sides of this flaring issue. It is a known fact that the American legal system had its moorings in the English Common Law (Strauss 34). However, when it comes to the issue pertaining to the right or prerogative of the common citizens to bear arms, America has affiliated to a stance that is very unlike the avenues available in the English Common Law (Strauss 34). As is evident, the laws in any nation, to a large extent, often have their genesis in the history and socio-political background of that country. Thereby, going by the historical realities amidst which America emerged to be a free and sovereign nation; the constitution of America extended to its citizens the right to bear arms. The right to bear arms is enshrined in the Bill of Rights and was enacted as the Second Amendment to the Constitution of America. Therefore, it is evident that in a historical and political context, America affiliated to a very liberal and tolerant approach, as far as the keeping and bearing of arms by its citizens was concerned (Strauss 34). The irony is that varied social opinion makers, legal scholars and lay citizens have facilitated varied and mutually contradictory interpretations of the right to bear arms existent in the Constitution. There are people
Monday, August 26, 2019
Is intelligent design science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Is intelligent design science - Essay Example Scientists believe that the invention of Higgs boson may be useful in predicting the base particle of life. Human being is considered to be made of three things; body, mind and spirit though experimentally not proved. After death a person’s body will be destroyed; but what will happen to the mind and spirit? Even though science and technology has advanced a lot, still it was not able to decode the secrets of life. Even the science and technology do not know where our spirit lies or what type of forces is driving us. Earth is not a permanent place for us and hence what all we received from the earth need to be disposed here itself before going for another mission at another place. In other words the material things which were acquired from the earth will not help us in our future assignment. Science has so far failed in predicting the origin our spirit or soul. It doesn’t know from where it comes and where it goes. Intelligent design is a new branch of knowledge originated in America recently which says that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, rather than a natural selection. â€Å"The idea that an organism’s complexity is evidence for the existence of a cosmic designer was advanced centuries before Charles Darwin was born.†(Milner & Maestro) Physicians explain various functions of body while psychologists concentrate on the activities of mind. But nobody knows much about the soul or spirit though everybody agrees that it is the spirit which drives us in this material world. After death what happens to the spirit? Only the religions studied about the features of spirit and they have their own explanations about the future of spirit on the basis of the good and evil committed during the life in earth. Religions believe that those who engaged in good activities during the stay on earth will get salvation after death while others will be punished by God. Intelligent design
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Joint operations principles, NATO and the Ukraine Crisis Research Paper - 1
Joint operations principles, NATO and the Ukraine Crisis - Research Paper Example The emergence of joint operations is a long story which developed over a long time. This emergence was related to the inherent challenges that affected the general coordination of military forces and their operations. These challenges led to the exploration of alternatives that included the consultation of like-minded partners to conduct operations that had results that affected them in common. The initial attempts however consisted the joint operations involving different forces. With the improvement of military technology, multiservice coordination became even more complex with air power coordination2. Throughout the history of war, various nations have been conducting joint operations and activities against a common enemy. This collaboration has always been related to success in battles. The first ever recorded joint operation in the United States was a dual-service operation in which the Union Army and naval forces in a federal campaign against Vicksburg3. This operation led to the development of unity of effort, mass, leverage and seizing initiative as the first principles of joint operations4. The operation Urgent Fury in Grenada was also an overall success for the United States. The operation introduced a new concept of combining air and land attacks in a coordinated manner and as such was a great success especially due to the use of furious or forceful entry. Over time, various countries have been using the concept of joint operations and its principles to organize and execute military operations and attacks. The most recent and ongoing application of these principles is seen in the Ukrainian crisis. The Ukrainian crisis, which is being executed by the Russians started with the volatile Euromaidan Protests that were witnessed in 2013, November. The involvement of military forces has culminated in Russia’s annexation of the Crimea. These activities have become
Building Information Modelling Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 13750 words
Building Information Modelling - Dissertation Example The potentiality of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the construction companies operating in the West Midland region is undertaken in this research. The study is undertaken to assess the ability of the construction companies towards the emerging technological options in the construction sector. Though most of the companies have heavily invested in the basic software tools necessary for their operations, the impact of high-end solutions that would ensure enhanced flexibility and a significant reduction in the rework needs to be investigated. Most of the industries in the West Midlands region are small scale with very limited expansion potential and hence such a study alone could help to obtain deeper insight into the reasons of acceptability of BIM in the construction sector. The data collection exercises adopted included survey process using a detailed questionnaire and also personal interview based on a prepared set of questions. The results obtained from the study showed int eresting results on the BIM implementation. The small construction companies understand the significant operational advantages that could be attained from using BIM software. Most of the industries prefer the collaborative use of the technology due to the inability to invest such large amounts and hence prefer to have shared use of the technology. Also, it is interesting to note that they all have realized the limitations of conventional software and understand that significant client advantage is being offered in comparison the conventional practices of project delivery. ... The potentiality of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the construction companies operating in the West Midland region is undertaken in this research. The study is undertaken to assess the ability of the construction companies towards the emerging technological options in the construction sector. Though most of the companies have heavily invested in the basic software tools necessary for their operations, the impact of high-end solutions that would ensure enhanced flexibility and significant reduction in the rework need to be investigated. Most of the industries in the West Midlands region are small scale with very limited expansion potential and hence such a study alone could help to obtain deeper insight into the reasons of acceptability of BIM in the construction sector. The data collection exercises adopted included survey process using a detailed questionnaire and also personal interview based on a prepared set of questions. The results obtained from the study showed intere sting results on the BIM implementation in small construction companies. The small construction companies understand the significant operational advantages that could be attained from using BIM software. Most of the industries prefer collaborative use of the technology due to the inability to invest such large amounts and hence prefer to have shared use of the technology. Also, it is interesting to note that they all have realized the limitations of conventional software and understand that significant client advantage is being offered in comparison the conventional practices of project delivery. They have also realize the limits of the present software solutions. The architects and designers are of the opinion that most of the conventional CAD software
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The Future of the Entertainment Media Industry and Your Contribution Scholarship Essay
The Future of the Entertainment Media Industry and Your Contribution Within It - Scholarship Essay Example Media and entertainment industry draws me like the magnet to improve my skills and to better my financial prospectus. By the time I graduate from the school, I have decided that my career is in the entertainment industry and sound engineering shall be my specialization. I begin to study the literature on this subject and settle on Full Sail University that offers specialized courses on a series of subjects related to the entertainment industry. This renowned University is rendering yeoman service in the world of recording arts since 1979. The University is moving with the times and it has profound understanding of the professional opportunities available to the students in the industry and trains them accordingly. Perfect audio and sound play a vital role in every segment of the entertainment industry. Movies and entertainment programs on the television that are broadcasted through thousands of channels all over the world provide immense scope to the students of recording arts. I have the opportunity to go through the details provided in â€Å"the University Hall of Fame regarding the extraordinary accomplishments of select Full Sail graduates who have sterling achievements to their credit in their career field.†(Recording, n. p.) I desire to be one of them and shape myself as a top entertainment and media professional. This, I believe, is possible by completing the 20 month/21-month campus bachelor’s degree program. Since the tuition fees devolved for this branch of study are high, possibly at present, I am unable to afford it. I submit my application for Creative Spark Scholarship amounting to $10,000, which will enable me to fulfill my ambition. I expect a favorable decision on my request for scholarship. This is the crucial period in my life, and I hope your benign intervention will do much to change the course of my life for better and
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